Yes you can but I have found that once you hit about 30% mit the strains don't matter anymore it peaks out and it will all feel the same even if made with different strains so best to keep it tradional methods of extraction to keep the effects of strains I like to mix half green and half red bent and make a extract 20% that is really nice effect
Yes you can but I have found that once you hit about 30% mit the strains don't matter anymore it peaks out and it will all feel the same even if made with different strains so best to keep it tradional methods of extraction to keep the effects of strains I like to mix half green and half red bent and make a extract 20% that is really nice effect
Well it depends alot of your resin type will be crystaline even with fine gridning high mit is usually powdery due to the seperation if alks from plant matter
You can get high mit Crystal but it's tricky
This here method was the one I was able to obtain a 96% mit extract with
Yes you can but I have found that once you hit about 30% mit the strains don't matter anymore it peaks out and it will all feel the same even if made with different strains so best to keep it tradional methods of extraction to keep the effects of strains I like to mix half green and half red bent and make a extract 20% that is really nice effect
I like to take half the yield and fine grind it then leave the other half chunky so the fine grind hits fast and the chonky gives it long legs almost time released like
Mitra Mike Extractz
I like to take half the yield and fine grind it then leave the other half chunky so the fine grind hits fast and the chonky gives it long legs almost time released like
I prefer adding some extract to powder and reducing powder amount. They just hit better that way to me. Especially adding to a red lol nice slow to fast energy balance. Might say speedball
Anyhtjng can be dangerous even to much powder especially toss n wash and it causes back up in the GI tract ,eveyhting needs to be respected and facts are some folks just don't an chase that dragon etc and that's not good imo
Mitra Mike Extractz
Anyhtjng can be dangerous even to much powder especially toss n wash and it causes back up in the GI tract ,eveyhting needs to be respected and facts are some folks just don't an chase that dragon etc and that's not good imo
Like some mornings I can't stomache 8grams of powder first waking up ,so dosing properly with 80% at only 80 mgs is nice to drop in my red bull and go to town
Many folks don't do that tho we all know that for sure
Let me take a gram of this here 45% and chase El Diablo aorjnd my house
I've been playing with salting out lower mit I figured out how to mini crash and somewhat defatt it so then I can salt the alks and make them water soluable
With my 20-24% mit extracts with great success I'm super stoked about this one tbh
See the light orange ish color
That's part has been salted out and will be water soluable
The rest is still freebased the dark sections
But when mixed this stuff will slap ya faster then a momma bear mad
There is folks that hate on extracts but there is def there place for them same as powder ya know
It's the same fools that mis use anything powder or extract that end up giving somethjng a bad rap
The amount of folks that use my extract especially with major spinal cord injuries,metal in there boy ,crps etc etc is what's makes it worth it to me and the extract comesuers out there to
the only extra since I got to 2 caps morning and eve routine was if I hurt bad I take my night caps early 5ish so by 9:30 close to bed time I take a lil sublingual un
of my stuff
Do you measure it? how do you know. I don't knpow exactly but sublingual has never wobbled me
No I haven't sold any. I've given some away though. Thought about it. I do have certifications. So many new companies started springing up the past few months tho, hard competition lmao(edited)
Yeah that's a cool idea man. I've thought about sending some to a vendor and see if they'd be willing to test it and keep the rest which would be a good amount I'm exchange. I'm really curious what some of mine are at
Been sitting in the freezer for a day with lemon vinegar water and acv I think, now I just add hot water, mix for 30 min, strain with cheesecloth, reduce more on stove, then evaporate in oven? What I did yesterday and not sure I got decent results, this is a bigger batch
Well tbh it's mostly a self learning and teaching experience. With how extracts are there isn't gonna be a definitive guide for it or someone who's gonna tell you the exact process they use. You'll get tips and stuff but it's pretty guarded tbh so fine tuning the basics is up to you. You can also research other kinds of extracts for different plant to get a nice wide range of knowledge about it (edited)
Not trying to an ass but that's just how it is really(edited)
Yeah but there are techniques that consistently produce better results and I'm trying to figure out what the best most affordable option is. I've tried with weed and had mediocre/poor success, but I have a huge tolerance to edibles(edited)
The extract I made yesterday didn't really have any crystals that I see in nice extract, just blocks of resin and powder(edited)
Nothing shiny like diamonds
But I did only soak it for 30 min to 1 hour
And dunno how long to dry in the oven(edited)
I will try refreezing after mixing with water, maybe add some extra lemon too
Well tbh it's mostly a self learning and teaching experience. With how extracts are there isn't gonna be a definitive guide for it or someone who's gonna tell you the exact process they use. You'll get tips and stuff but it's pretty guarded tbh so fine tuning the basics is up to you. You can also research other kinds of extracts for different plant to get a nice wide range of knowledge about it (edited)
Oh yeah, itโs already looking pretty good after a long simmer, so I figured Iโll take half my stuff I have now and just give it a try, couldnt hurt โโ๏ธ
Well tbh it's mostly a self learning and teaching experience. With how extracts are there isn't gonna be a definitive guide for it or someone who's gonna tell you the exact process they use. You'll get tips and stuff but it's pretty guarded tbh so fine tuning the basics is up to you. You can also research other kinds of extracts for different plant to get a nice wide range of knowledge about it (edited)
Both or all work. I've used all three together just to see if there's be a difference in what and how much alkaloids got extracted. Didn't notice too much of one but can't be on it without lab testing. And don't plan on doing that tbh lol
Iโm curious how you all do red bubble. Iโve heard two ways. After adding The hot water and stirring, some people say to put it in the freezer right away. Iโve heard others say let it cool completely before putting it in the freezer. What do you all like to do?
is 30 min the ideal amount of time to mix the frozen kratom acid sludge with warm water before returning it to the freezer for a while? and for how long do i keep it in there. then do I just melt it and reduce?(edited)
Our Vegetable (Vegan) capsules consist of only two ingredients: HPMC and purified water. HPMC is derived from vegetable cellulose of either pine or poplar. 100% natural, these capsules contain no preservatives, no gelatin, wheat, animal by-products or starch.Safety and Storage Information: Capsul...
now just wish I had a bigger pill machine than the cheap plastic manual 24 slot one lol
making my first big(ish) batch of extract today, just put it in the freezer after heating the sludge with water for 30 min, should I wait until it's frozen solid again or just a few hours before warming and separating and reducing?
yeah only really use them when I want a specific blend I don't have in caps or want it to kick in faster, or add other stuff to it like a dxm pill and pepper+turmuric lol
I don't like dmx and kratom. It changes the burn and I always get way too high so it over powers it. Whenever I was sick I used it then found out about it potentiating. It does so even more with weed. But the taste is the worst part tho lmao even worse than kratom
I've tripped on a lot including European kinds. Lik cb2 and stuff. Ik you can tripped of it. I never have or plan too tbh. Never heard it called robotripping before. Definitely a new term for me.(edited)
Sorry for all the questions but you think this cheesecloth is good enough to filter my red bubble to make extract powder? I can see a little bit through it so I'm curious if I need to go buy one of those finer filters
okay guess I'll go for it and see what happens, only using a plain powder anyway so not like it's a huge waste if I screw up
I was trying to say, if you feel like you didnโt get everything out of that powderโฆ Let it strain, and then repeat the process, may be adding more liquid next time. You will get less in return, but you will still get some.
Once you feel like you have gotten everything out of a particular batch, compost it.
Yes you can or magic bullet that works great to I like to take half the yield and grind it fine to hit fast and then leave the other half of the yield so it's stays crystsl like and works kind of time release and gives the long legs to it
when doing your clean up cover the table you work on with parchment paper. That way when you flex the silicone and your extract turns into a crystal explosion it'll be on a clean surface you can recover the stray extract from
Appreciate it! It has a nice pungent aroma. Only took half the day to filter down lol really need to invest in a press. Imma try and get one tomorrow possibly
If I had extra I would. I barely did afford this. Itโs definitely good has an oil like texture to it. Iโve been slammed with medical bills left and right and about to have more coming in when I get back to KY Bc I have something going on health wise
Roots Bloody Roots 300G worth of leaf simmered in there and initial straining done. I still have 150G and some tea/extracted liquid almost frozen solid. Tomorrow I'll thaw the last and strain it all finally to sit it on the windowsill tomorrow night for the full hunter's moonbath(edited)
hello, i had some questions regarding extracts, for example how do you dose it ? you mix it with some kratom ? since its an extract it would be a bit of an exaggeration to dose 2g of it, right ?
i've been interested in extracts recently so i wanted to know what should i expect from them and how to dose it
I have a couple extract capsules as a sample and I kinda want to add "just a sprankle" to my dose, but I'm kinda (ok, totally) too chicken to do it yet
Definitely. But like.... I can't math in that way (sure I can write code, but that's a totally different math )
What if I used a lower mit powder (I have a maeng da that's like 1.09%) so maybe do a 1/3 dose of that and a sprankle of the 50x extract?.... Like just to start and see how my body reacts?
I know 1/3 dose on such a low Mit % (regular) powder is kinda low, but I'd rather be low on the first times trying it and need some more (w/o extract) later.... Like safe rather than sorry approach?
Soo I did 1/4+1/8 tsps of kratom with a sprankle and even with over a half tsp of hirusta, it wasn't enough... I will prolly do 1/2 tsp of kratom next time with extract sprinkle... I'm gonna get home and take more hirusta+ normal dose heavy pain relief kratom.... Cuz I just can't function like this
Soo I did 1/4+1/8 tsps of kratom with a sprankle and even with over a half tsp of hirusta, it wasn't enough... I will prolly do 1/2 tsp of kratom next time with extract sprinkle... I'm gonna get home and take more hirusta+ normal dose heavy pain relief kratom.... Cuz I just can't function like this
I take 50x with every dose - 50x varies between 3-5% mit so 1 gam of 50x feels like 2 & 2.5 grams of good powder so if you take 2-1/2 grams dose of powder just add 1/8tsp 50x with 1.5 gram of powder and start from there to find your sweet spot
I take between 1.2gr and at most 2gr per dose bcuz my meds make me more sensitive to mit. But yeah I'm gonna copypasta your reply if that's ok and save it in a note so I can look at it again tomorrow. I definitely took too little kratom with the earlier dose . Not only did I start flaring super badly in the mal of wart.... But by the time I got home, I had a runny nose and watery eyes.... Which tells me I was too low even with the extract this time.... But again, I'd rather be too low and need to dose again, than take too much and be "wobbly".... So learning experience. But I'm also sure that different extracts with different mit percentages will need different dosing.... But luckily for me, I have a bunch of super knowledge peeps here that can guide me.
What you said definitely helped it click a bit more. It helped my head make sense of the extract I currently have... I ended up taking more hirusta, and a half tsp of bewitched signature blend+a quarter tsp of some red bent (vendor not in channel)+ a tiny bit of old forest red from NEB.... That and two Advil and I'm slowly starting to feel a little better. Was a mess when I walked back in the door.
Anytime . When you take different extracts It would definitely help to keep a log of your doses what powder with what extract and the dosing so you can always check it for reference later and it will help you fine tune your sweet spot and be able to stay there with out accidentally taking to much one day
Anytime . When you take different extracts It would definitely help to keep a log of your doses what powder with what extract and the dosing so you can always check it for reference later and it will help you fine tune your sweet spot and be able to stay there with out accidentally taking to much one day
I do that with my doses, especially new stuff so I can go back and see where the best "sweet spot" is. I'll add a place to do doses with extracts as well....
I also measure everything out with .001g scale and take each extract or powder by itself first and find my sweet spot and log it and then when i do blends especilly with multiple extracts i do the math to keep it as close to same dosing each time so my tolerance doesn't get messed up . Doing this my tolerance has been basically the same for 7 years
I used low mit percentage powder (btwn 1.12 and 1.19) plus I cut the dose way down. It wasn't enough tho even with the extract. But rather safe than sorry.... Can always take more.... Usually most of the strains I have are kinda middle of the road mit percentage wise, but I used low mit stuff since it was the first time trying extract (I once took a crumb of it by itself.... But eh)
Yeah probably the best starting point. Or already lightly enhanced leaf. I pretty much never take extracts on there on. I feel they're better combined with powder.
50x and UEI are good for that they give you energy and some mood boost good for pain. Just overall good well being but are better mixed with what ever powder works well for you . Just use these to enhance there affect and duration of affect. The higher % extracts at lower doses get more body and mental stimulating and higher doses are sedating so they are very versatile you just have to play around with the amount and combinations to find what is best for you overall
50x and UEI are good for that they give you energy and some mood boost good for pain. Just overall good well being but are better mixed with what ever powder works well for you . Just use these to enhance there affect and duration of affect. The higher % extracts at lower doses get more body and mental stimulating and higher doses are sedating so they are very versatile you just have to play around with the amount and combinations to find what is best for you overall
I remember those days. Ultra Enhanced Indo and that bright yellow extract that was so popular, gold reserve. Lol Everybody had the gold reserve on the menu.
I remember those days. Ultra Enhanced Indo and that bright yellow extract that was so popular, gold reserve. Lol Everybody had the gold reserve on the menu.
I think I have kraken samples otw... Not really sure, they sent an email asking me 2 review their kratom, and I was like "ummm I don't have any TO REVIEW"
I think I have kraken samples otw... Not really sure, they sent an email asking me 2 review their kratom, and I was like "ummm I don't have any TO REVIEW"
I look at the screen and the only words that jump out are "bro" & "gayo" and I thought I better read a bit more before saying "what's happening fellas?"
Oh I can imagine. .02 to .03 would be a gram? Wow. I bet it is good. I like that black diamond perfect mit range for me. Easy to use without over doing it. I stay under 20% personally. Usually no more than 3 to 7 percent mit extract.
0.2-0.3g would be 90-135mg MIT & 130-195mg Total Alks. You can adjust to get the same MIT % you are used to, just takes waaayyy less and this has none of the waxes like the methanol extracts from Indo (which are great btw!)
Yeah I'm pretty used to using extracts. Never went above 20% tho. Just too easy to go over for me when I only use 2.5 to 3 grams of leaf powder. Usually 2 grams of leaf and .3 of some 6% and I'm golden lol
Wish I was still around the 3g range. I blew my tolerance a long time ago with powder. Got it back down about half way and have been spoiled with good extracts for a couple years now. All the plant matter from the larger amounts was starting to bother me. You're smart to keep it low like that but there's also hope if you go crazy and cross over to the dark side. Lol
Wish I was still around the 3g range. I blew my tolerance a long time ago with powder. Got it back down about half way and have been spoiled with good extracts for a couple years now. All the plant matter from the larger amounts was starting to bother me. You're smart to keep it low like that but there's also hope if you go crazy and cross over to the dark side. Lol
Yup totally understand. My threshold is around 10-15g powder or 200ish milligrams of MIT. 175mg is a sweet spot right now for heavy effects and 110-125mg I get the stimulation/mood boost only.(edited)
Yeah, that's why I almost always use extracts to cut back on the powder. I should reset it's just hard when there is so much good stuff to try all the time. I'm blessed in that regard.
Yep, he the low dose King. Has more kratom than he'll use in a lifetime with that dosage probably. An ounce would last like half a month for Dunkel. If only bro
I don't know how 2 extract.. I just get extracts from Dunkel... I rarely fw them tho... I just take leaf... And I'm down to 3-3.5 per dose and it's LOVELY!! I feel ALL KRATOM again, but the good stuff hits EXTRA HARD
I don't know how 2 extract.. I just get extracts from Dunkel... I rarely fw them tho... I just take leaf... And I'm down to 3-3.5 per dose and it's LOVELY!! I feel ALL KRATOM again, but the good stuff hits EXTRA HARD
Yessss, it got to where I wasn't even feeling 5-6 g doses of stuff I KNOW IS GOOD SHIT... Started doing research... Antagonist n stuff... Turns out if u dose as often as I do, less TRULY is more bc those antagonist are KILLING UR VIBE
Yessss, it got to where I wasn't even feeling 5-6 g doses of stuff I KNOW IS GOOD SHIT... Started doing research... Antagonist n stuff... Turns out if u dose as often as I do, less TRULY is more bc those antagonist are KILLING UR VIBE
Milligram Scale 50 x 0.001g Reloading Gunpowder Grain Scale 771 x 0.02 gn Gemstone Scale Includes 20g Calibration Weight 2 Scoops 4 Weighing Powder Pans Tweezers Read in 6 Units
That scale is badass. Can you link me to it by chance?
Have you tested for accuracy? The one I had was always giving me wrong amounts so I sent it back and got a different one. But probably was just the one I had gotten.
This is a 99% isopropanol, citric acid and water extract. Totally experimental, I dropped it into the freezer after it marinated for a while. When it came out it looked like this
Isopropanol? Ain't that bad 2 ingest? Can't u use everclear
This is a 99% isopropanol, citric acid and water extract. Totally experimental, I dropped it into the freezer after it marinated for a while. When it came out it looked like this
This one was on sale on Amazon for $19 like 53% off. Might still be. I hear ya. Amazon is good for not having to pay shipping which is killing everyone right now
Milligram Scale 50 x 0.001g Reloading Gunpowder Grain Scale 771 x 0.02 gn Gemstone Scale Includes 20g Calibration Weight 2 Scoops 4 Weighing Powder Pans Tweezers Read in 6 Units
I've had it sitting in acv and lj in the fridge and ready to strain but idk what to use to strain because my aeropress and reusable coffee filters aren't here yet(edited)
This was a 50g green leaf red bubble tea extract. I added was 2 Tbsp lemon juice, 2 Tbsp white vinegar and 1/4 tsp citric acid. Mixed all that in the leaf together. Put in the freezer in froze. Pulled out boiled water and let it cool slightly, poured it over top, Whisked the shit out of it. It foamed up pretty good. Drop it back into the freezer. Then you got your red bubble. And let defrost in the fridge for 2 to 3 days until the liquid on the top is easy to pour off. Reduce the liquid in a pan, then dehydrate on parchment or a silicone mat.
I was completely shocked that I got 24 g extract from 50 g leaf. I know the lemon juice and vinegar add some dehydrated weight, yeah I was pretty stoked
I do achieve that powder all I did was put it into a mason jar and shake.
I just discovered kratom one year ago this week. Thank you all so much for all of the knowledge and wisdom for my pain relief journey.
The The batch I did the extract from Was a kilo of into direct import. $40 shipped. If I were to spend the time and resources on making extract of the whole thing, and keep up that consistency, I would have 500g s for $40 + time and acidifiers.
The The batch I did the extract from Was a kilo of into direct import. $40 shipped. If I were to spend the time and resources on making extract of the whole thing, and keep up that consistency, I would have 500g s for $40 + time and acidifiers.
This was a 50g green leaf red bubble tea extract. I added was 2 Tbsp lemon juice, 2 Tbsp white vinegar and 1/4 tsp citric acid. Mixed all that in the leaf together. Put in the freezer in froze. Pulled out boiled water and let it cool slightly, poured it over top, Whisked the shit out of it. It foamed up pretty good. Drop it back into the freezer. Then you got your red bubble. And let defrost in the fridge for 2 to 3 days until the liquid on the top is easy to pour off. Reduce the liquid in a pan, then dehydrate on parchment or a silicone mat.
Just to update y'all my waste not want not project is about to come to fruition. Final straining/filtering of "The Slime" is just about done. It goes in the dehydrator shortly. Those that weren't following here's an update...
those who have been following my extract adventures & experiments might remember "Golden Honey, OHminous Slow Ride, the barely mentioned 500G batch made from Otie's Super green and Roots Bloody Roots" batches well in some cases I saved all the leaf, in other cases I saved partial batches after they had been extracted 3X. I added 12 oz of solution to each 150G-200G batch. I did that with the first 3 batches and reran the resulting tea in the last 2 batches. When I was done I had 25 oz of tea that I added to the dehydrator as is, no simmer of cook down. I'd estimate anywhere from 750-900 G of leaf was used for this batch. It is all dried now and cooling down. I'll know amounts later and pics of course
Silicone mats with rims or pans are sooooo damn useful. Also something i was recently put on too, an aeropress. Super useful straining and makes it a lot faster.
Use more lemon juice than he calls for. ph4 is easily achieved with either 4 TBSP of Lemon Juice or 4 TBSP of White or ACV vinegar or 2 TBSP ea. and 10 oz of water makes the right amount of solution for 25G
So this is the method of making like the crystal extract? I'll probably try this sometime this week, and maybe once I get good at it try something a bit more complicated. I saw a lot of articles but most of them never stated exactly how much kratom powder to use.
What would happen if you just drank from the top layer? Would it still work, but you'd just have to drink more to get extract potency effects? Sorry if that sounds like a dumb question. Haha.
If I ever decide to be dumb enough to give it a go I'll let you know how it turns out. Haha. It doesn't seem like it's too difficult this way, though. Just a few hours worth of work total.
Well, a few hours of you actually having to fiddle with it. It seems like a good portion of the time you're just having to let it sit. I guess I'll find out when I try it. I'm assuming there's a good reason vendors charge a lot more for extracts and I'm going to find out.
I was actually wondering that about making tea but didn't want to try it and waste leaf since I'm still starting out building up a reserve. I might get one this weekend and try it out with some Dragons Den that's coming this week.
I'm trying to buy a good bit each week so I can always have some stashed on hand.
My extracts seems to always clump up after a couple days. I do love near the ocean and it is often humid where I live. But itโs kinda frustrating. Even if I add a silica pack to the jar, it clumps after about a week.
I noticed my would clump back up if I didnโt fully fully dry it. I thought it was fully dry but their was still like one or two pieces that ended up being a tad tacky. They felt dry but mixed with everything else, they clumped lol
I def need to tweak my recipe and learn more Iโm sureโฆ.havenโt done it in so long Iโm worried about using anymore than 25g lol itโs been months
I def need to tweak my recipe and learn more Iโm sureโฆ.havenโt done it in so long Iโm worried about using anymore than 25g lol itโs been months
Oh, yeah I've been talking to them alot about the math about converting different kinds of extracts. I'm obviously novice af when it comes to this stuff, I still don't truly know if my black diamond conversion is close or not. But it would be nice if some people knowledgeable in extracts, all come together and create some kind of table/list people can use to easily convert doses. Or create a conversion website where you type in your extract type and percentage, and then your desired normal powder dose from that extract, and have that do the conversion for you, so it has the most accurate number.
No bubble but blood red. I had added vinegar and citric acid and put it in my freezer and forgot about it. Found it a week later, pulled it out, let it defrost, pored warm water over it. Stirred the shit out of it for about 5 min. Then placed back in the freezer. When I pulled it out it looked like this.
I put a "sprankle" of a 50x extract on my dose (I have been taking 2.5gr recently), but I cut the overall dose to 1.015gr total and the "sprankle" was only 0.153 of the total dose. I know my math is off but I'm hoping by cutting the dose over 50% it'll be fine. Besides, I'm just starting to be able to walk again. I need the extra help RN
Nice haul dude hope you have as good a luck with the red iso as I do. And that moon dust lmk how it hits I've almost pulled the trigger idk how many times now lol
Nice haul dude hope you have as good a luck with the red iso as I do. And that moon dust lmk how it hits I've almost pulled the trigger idk how many times now lol
A while back when you would read through there info on there products and potency it said that the 50x was between 3-5% and the iso was a step above there 50x about 6% but it doesnt say that anymore and all the ones i get all say 3% mit so they are 3% but that doesnt really put it above the 50x now just different since its an iso
A while back when you would read through there info on there products and potency it said that the 50x was between 3-5% and the iso was a step above there 50x about 6% but it doesnt say that anymore and all the ones i get all say 3% mit so they are 3% but that doesnt really put it above the 50x now just different since its an iso
Thank YOU! I've been putting in a ton of work on this project and I am very pleased with how it is progressing so far and hearing from customers that they enjoy our work is just as rewarding as making a sale! Of course, getting paid and managing a small business is rewarding in itself, but when people really like what we've done, it makes it worth all the struggles that come along the way! We have some of the best customers and I've worked in a variety of industries prior to getting put on with Delta Extracts. I feel super blessed to be in the position that I am! You guys are awesome and make all of this possible!
Right lol they was on here talking out of their ass and then out of nowhere Ant was like I told you you were not approved yet why are you advertising then they went ghost poof over with but right before that they had posted labs and I was like are they normally from 2014 he said they are with me because they're expensive
Youโre in for the full dunkle experience. Get ready. I asked him once months ago. He wrote he half a novel. Thatโs when I knew this guy was special.
The basic steps are way easy. Thereโs lots of Subtle nuances is that you can add throughout the process.
Those being the UV lights / sonicator / liquid spinners. Basic steps are, acidify your leaf, freeze, defrost, add warm water, freeze again (red bubble), let thaw, filter, reduce, dehydrate. But thereโs 100 ways you could Do each one of those steps.
Just an extra mood/euphoric boost here and there. Iโve thought about buying the red because of everyoneโs feedback on it but reds never work on me so idk if the red isolate would ya know
Just an extra mood/euphoric boost here and there. Iโve thought about buying the red because of everyoneโs feedback on it but reds never work on me so idk if the red isolate would ya know
It always gives me the warm fuzzys not so much energy tho. However they have a green 28% and a green 40% rabbit hole I think it's called both super energy
It always gives me the warm fuzzys not so much energy tho. However they have a green 28% and a green 40% rabbit hole I think it's called both super energy
I donโt remember being either honestly. I could just be patient and wait to be finished with my extract Iโm working on but I wanna spend moneyโฆ..then I donโtโฆ.decisions decisions
Iโm looking to purchase some extract so wanting recommendations because I donโt want to spend $150 lol
Wonderland gardens has decent quality extracts with good prices. The 6% is what I usually go for. But I don't do higher extracts. It's pretty good tho, Deltaextractskratom has a black diamond that's around 5 to 7% that's good too man. Mitramike probably has some of the best extract around hands down. The newer green hulk is excellent. Almost like straight leaf in terms of spectrum effects. Resty rubies always a solid choice. And ofc the all mighty ohm dragon lol
Sheeeeiiittt Dunkelstiltskin, the way you work your magic with making extracts, I don't think you'll ever have to purchase extracts ever again their powder is exquisite I think you'd really like their golds and reds.
Wonderland gardens has decent quality extracts with good prices. The 6% is what I usually go for. But I don't do higher extracts. It's pretty good tho, Deltaextractskratom has a black diamond that's around 5 to 7% that's good too man. Mitramike probably has some of the best extract around hands down. The newer green hulk is excellent. Almost like straight leaf in terms of spectrum effects. Resty rubies always a solid choice. And ofc the all mighty ohm dragon lol
I wanna try Delta Extracts because out of the three they are the ones I havenโt triedโฆ..but I gotta convince myself to spend so money before I do it lol oh the battle
I wanna try Delta Extracts because out of the three they are the ones I havenโt triedโฆ..but I gotta convince myself to spend so money before I do it lol oh the battle
You guys have any methods for helping extract powder absorb better? I have some 80% from WG, but even when I let it spread throughout some lemon juice and hot water it isn't hitting quite as hard as I was expecting.
I was thinking maybe I need to eat something fatty beforehand.
Its most likely your dosing, start small like it sounds like you did at .001g and move up to 00.2g doing only 00.1g at a time to be safe until you find your sweet spot and what works for you . It feels better mixed with powder than by itself at least to me .Just do small increases so it doesnt take by surprise ,lol . I find it more stimulating at low doses and it does get sedating at higher doses just need to find your sweet spot
You guys have any methods for helping extract powder absorb better? I have some 80% from WG, but even when I let it spread throughout some lemon juice and hot water it isn't hitting quite as hard as I was expecting.
I used to really like whiskey a lot but havenโt drank really at all since I have started taking kratom twice a dayโฆ.sooooo this is getting used to make an extracts !!
That was 75g of Oaties -White Elephant and i havnt removed it yet to find out. I had to leave to go to work begore i could but i wil know later what the yeild was.
That was 75g of Oaties -White Elephant and i havnt removed it yet to find out. I had to leave to go to work begore i could but i wil know later what the yeild was.
Wild Turkey 101 extract made with yellow sumatra 130 grams turned into a little over 14 grams of this I was kinda shocked. This has very minimal krarom taste and a few seconds after putting it in your mouth you get the oaky whiskey after taste. Used to loooove bourbon whiskey and havenโt really drank since taking kratom twice a day. Im sending some of this out to a couple people to try who used to like whiskey Iโm excited to get to share this with someone. You get all the bourbon whiskey flavor without that alcohol burn and taste.
Wild Turkey 101 extract made with yellow sumatra 130 grams turned into a little over 14 grams of this I was kinda shocked. This has very minimal krarom taste and a few seconds after putting it in your mouth you get the oaky whiskey after taste. Used to loooove bourbon whiskey and havenโt really drank since taking kratom twice a day. Im sending some of this out to a couple people to try who used to like whiskey Iโm excited to get to share this with someone. You get all the bourbon whiskey flavor without that alcohol burn and taste.
I would love sm of that for my lil brother... I say lil he is like 28, but lovessss whiskey and likes kratom... Ik u can't send it, just wishful thinking really
I would love sm of that for my lil brother... I say lil he is like 28, but lovessss whiskey and likes kratom... Ik u can't send it, just wishful thinking really
Bro, that is so cool! First time Iโve seen that. And with all of the coffee, chai, chocolate kratom stuff going on, youโre right on track with a flavored extract.
Bro, that is so cool! First time Iโve seen that. And with all of the coffee, chai, chocolate kratom stuff going on, youโre right on track with a flavored extract.
I may have messed up though bc the yellow sumatra just had such a mild taste and it was barely even there when I dried the extract. Like you can somewhat tell itโs kratom but just a slight taste of like earl gray or something
I may have messed up though bc the yellow sumatra just had such a mild taste and it was barely even there when I dried the extract. Like you can somewhat tell itโs kratom but just a slight taste of like earl gray or something
I think this run will be better than the last. I used the rest of the 101 and some Evan Williams 10 year and a bit of some cherished Sazarac. Sazarac is high rye so this will have a nice oaky but somewhat spicy taste with smoky flavor and a hint of kratom tea tasteโฆโฆif it turns out good enough. Upped it to 200gโs
Popcorn Sutton was an awesome soul. And when the man tried to bring him down, he went out on his own terms. I would've loved to have a drink with the guy.
I've tried a few other kratom drink mixes and these are definitely the best I've had. Most of the others I've tried were around 40mg mit and had a SHIT ton of flavoring powder. These are fairly small and really just tastes like crystal light to me, lol. And the 100mg mit makes it more appealing. I wouldn't take em every day because I couldn't afford it, but definitely convenient to have for situations that call for easy or discreet dosing
I've tried a few other kratom drink mixes and these are definitely the best I've had. Most of the others I've tried were around 40mg mit and had a SHIT ton of flavoring powder. These are fairly small and really just tastes like crystal light to me, lol. And the 100mg mit makes it more appealing. I wouldn't take em every day because I couldn't afford it, but definitely convenient to have for situations that call for easy or discreet dosing
i had a question regarding extracts, since once you extract it the amount of it to be equal to 3g of kratom would be really small could you just take it sublingually?
I once took down a 5 gallon water bottle gravity bong. I ghosted the hit, didnโt cough. When I looked up everybody was staring at me like I had foreheads, lol.
Soo fun storyโฆ.Iโve spent over a week working on this batch of extractโฆstepped away for 30mins came back to it boiling so fairly certain I just fucked the whole batch up (edited)
Iโm so pissed Iโve been working slowly and patiently for over a week now
Soo fun storyโฆ.Iโve spent over a week working on this batch of extractโฆstepped away for 30mins came back to it boiling so fairly certain I just fucked the whole batch up (edited)
Yes. I actually bought the $25 NFT/sample package/artwork
They said theyโre gonna send you two or three sample packages every month for 6 to 12 months if you sign up. And you get a framed piece of artwork for your house. And a NFT which I donโt really care about.
I have been tracking bitcoin since 2010. I own a little now. But not that much Iโve already made my money back so the little I have is funny money. I also invested in Tesla in 2015. And Facebook the first week that it came out with its IPO. This was all when I was a teenager. If I only had more cash at the time I would be able to retire now.
I have the S red gold I got in trade, and a small sample in my apocalypse stash. I plan on getting more.... Maybe January (hopefully) to put in the stash. I am starting to save half of everything I'm ordering to last me just in case ... Until I move back up north.
But now I have a house and hardly have any money lol
I have the S red gold I got in trade, and a small sample in my apocalypse stash. I plan on getting more.... Maybe January (hopefully) to put in the stash. I am starting to save half of everything I'm ordering to last me just in case ... Until I move back up north.
They said theyโre gonna send you two or three sample packages every month for 6 to 12 months if you sign up. And you get a framed piece of artwork for your house. And a NFT which I donโt really care about.
I'm gonna take it one more time before review. But it's excellent. On the faster side.
@Realistic_Row you may be able to still get it. I only ordered Nov 1
@SC00T3RRR it was all good fun and you would be surprised how inexpensive that stuff is. Now the stuff to make legit, no heat, organic solvent extracts are more on the expensive side but the product is chef's kiss
I always tell folks steer clear of 7-H man that shit is not something to mess with. The thing is that Mit converts to 7-H in the metabolism and it has a ceiling effect so it protects from OD but ingesting could bypass that effect. In my opinion, artificially creating it is where we will see people getting hurt or dying. I could be wrong but while I do sell extracts, all of mine are extremely low in 7-H. Same ratio as in dried leaf. And Iโm told they beat out all the major brands. Every single store we sell to says their customers say ours are so dramatically better itโs not even funny. I think thatโs because itโs about the fact that we use the exact ratios present in the plant and maintain all the sub alkaloids and other plant phytochemicals.
I always tell folks steer clear of 7-H man that shit is not something to mess with. The thing is that Mit converts to 7-H in the metabolism and it has a ceiling effect so it protects from OD but ingesting could bypass that effect. In my opinion, artificially creating it is where we will see people getting hurt or dying. I could be wrong but while I do sell extracts, all of mine are extremely low in 7-H. Same ratio as in dried leaf. And Iโm told they beat out all the major brands. Every single store we sell to says their customers say ours are so dramatically better itโs not even funny. I think thatโs because itโs about the fact that we use the exact ratios present in the plant and maintain all the sub alkaloids and other plant phytochemicals.
The antagonist agonist blocking and regulating effect is pretty damn important and it shouldnโt be circumvented. There is a 7 oh extract that I use and have used that I know is good to go and great but I know how to use it and you want to use the right key to it. Thereโs not enough 7 in the one Iโm talking about to have adverse effect but if you correctly use it you can achieve some excellent pain relief. The bad ones are the ones that are made synthetic and not out of kratom leaf just like synthetic marijuana where itโs massively different the synthetic versions of the 7 should be seriously avoided and Iโm pretty sure thatโs what has everyone freaked out
I thaw it and let it settle naturally. Three days in the fridge and it pours off without leaf powder. The last lil but I may put through a filter. Aero press is a good tool
Dunkle uses a wide mouth siphon (Turkey baster I guesss)
The AEROPRESS coffee maker is ideal for any coffee lover looking for a rich, smooth cup of coffee. Its rapid, full immersion brewing process with a paper Microfilter maximizes flavor, producing grit-free coffee without bitterness or acidity โ a substantial improvement on the French press. One pre...
I recommend getting the travel one if you're using it for extract
I have a question about k.extracts I've been making my own and there are small black pieces in the brown when I scrape the Pyrex dish or the black pieces stronger than the brownish dirt color Kratom extract
Dunkle uses a wide mouth siphon (Turkey baster I guesss)
Balance as it occurs in nature yeaโฆ because it doesnโt exist in fresh leaf ironically. Itโs pretty much impossible to not have any in a dried product or Extract but I believe as long as you keep it at the same ratio as you havenโt right believe youโre well within safety margins.
Mine came in this week. Havenโt used it for anything yet. Iโm going to today tho with Kratom not coffee.
Barry at
@SC00T3RRR it was all good fun and you would be surprised how inexpensive that stuff is. Now the stuff to make legit, no heat, organic solvent extracts are more on the expensive side but the product is chef's kiss
@herbsandmusic thanks , glad to hear ! And we received lot of good feedback from everyone we sent samples out. Just waiting on mother load to arrive lol
Hey guys I really appreciate that!! Iโll def keep yโall in mind. I want to practice a bit more then Iโm going to send some stuff out. I really want to be amazing at making extract. Because when I grow up Iโm going to be a vendor.
Hey guys I really appreciate that!! Iโll def keep yโall in mind. I want to practice a bit more then Iโm going to send some stuff out. I really want to be amazing at making extract. Because when I grow up Iโm going to be a vendor.
Hey guys I really appreciate that!! Iโll def keep yโall in mind. I want to practice a bit more then Iโm going to send some stuff out. I really want to be amazing at making extract. Because when I grow up Iโm going to be a vendor.
Hey guys I really appreciate that!! Iโll def keep yโall in mind. I want to practice a bit more then Iโm going to send some stuff out. I really want to be amazing at making extract. Because when I grow up Iโm going to be a vendor.
I know man! Yea Iโve been thinking about it a lot. I love this plant and I love that it saved my life. Iโm really passionate about it and being a vendor is the best Iโve come up with. Itโll be a bit though I want to make sure Iโm 100% ready and Iโve done my leg work you know
Does anyone have experience with the extract blend called true grit from your life your leaf (Philly)?
I got it in today and I tried to stir some into some hot water like I normally do with powder and i couldn't get it to dissolve. Any advice on how to consume it?
I was thinking maybe eating some with a scoop of yogurt โโ๏ธ
The funny thing is my username is a reference to the philadelphia eagles football team I created for another server . Totally coincidental I posted about Philly kratom it didn't occur to me till after I posted
Folks I teach to make extract will tell me "I simmered that shit all day and it still isn't reduced by half." You must be in a glitch in the matrix or something. This is a lil less than a 4 hours simmer. Before...
any chance i could get some advice on using philly kratom's extracts (YLYL)? I have a few different products and have really struggled to get them to hit. I am thinking maybe I am just dosing wrong, but i'm a careful person, i don't like to get the wobbles. I will say that they all smell amazing and i love YLYL plain leaf so i'm hoping to just get some feedback on how to get the most out of these!
I have
Indo (imported, their only imported extract i believe)
Pepper (enhanced powder, faster)
Philly special (enhanced powder, slow)
true grit (described as "25% of 50x")
#86 red/yellow (no idea)
I have tried all of these in various ways/dosages. obviously, they are not all the same strength. they are clearly not bunk, but they do not hit even as good as plain powder. I have tried to simply add/take more but i'm not trying to end up puking. My normal powder dose is 7g. Can anyone make some suggestions on these extracts to help me use them properly? I would greatly appreciate it!!
(edited: i actually haven't tried the indo yet, i was working on the others first)(edited)
any chance i could get some advice on using philly kratom's extracts (YLYL)? I have a few different products and have really struggled to get them to hit. I am thinking maybe I am just dosing wrong, but i'm a careful person, i don't like to get the wobbles. I will say that they all smell amazing and i love YLYL plain leaf so i'm hoping to just get some feedback on how to get the most out of these!
I have
Indo (imported, their only imported extract i believe)
Pepper (enhanced powder, faster)
Philly special (enhanced powder, slow)
true grit (described as "25% of 50x")
#86 red/yellow (no idea)
I have tried all of these in various ways/dosages. obviously, they are not all the same strength. they are clearly not bunk, but they do not hit even as good as plain powder. I have tried to simply add/take more but i'm not trying to end up puking. My normal powder dose is 7g. Can anyone make some suggestions on these extracts to help me use them properly? I would greatly appreciate it!!
(edited: i actually haven't tried the indo yet, i was working on the others first) (edited)
So to the best of my knowledge the indo extract is 7%,so 70mg mit per gram, pepper I think Is similar to Philly special so just a g lower than your normal dose and the others I dunno but 25% of 50x prob 2.5%????
So to the best of my knowledge the indo extract is 7%,so 70mg mit per gram, pepper I think Is similar to Philly special so just a g lower than your normal dose and the others I dunno but 25% of 50x prob 2.5%????
.5 of indo extract with 4g of lead try that thatโs my sweet spot with their indo extract and yellow tang jung
So to the best of my knowledge the indo extract is 7%,so 70mg mit per gram, pepper I think Is similar to Philly special so just a g lower than your normal dose and the others I dunno but 25% of 50x prob 2.5%????
Feeling like @Unknown over here Iโve got an everclear tincture gong in the cabinet, a red bubble in the freezer and a crockpot of leaf, vinegar and citric acid brewing. And a batch in the fridge ready in strain an reduce.
If your normal dose is 5g of leaf you are looking at 75 mg mit. For 5g of leaf equivalency youโre looking at .17g of 44% extract. This is very potent stuff. At exactly 1g of this 44% extract you have 440 mg of mitragynine. Itโs very important to know your mitragynine levels in kratom leaf most high quality greens are 1.5% mitragynine so for every gram you have 15mg of mit. Itโs pretty easy math you just move the decimal over and remember itโs always a derivative of ten. 1/10th of 440 is 44 so .1 = 44. I never knew any of this until someone broke it down for me last year. So if your normal dose is 7grams-105mg of mit I highly suggest doing 3.5g of leaf (52mg mit) with .12g of 44% (also 52 mg mit) for basically 105mg total. 3.5 x15= 52, .12 X 44 = 52 for a total of 105 or 7g good plain leaf equivalent. This keeps tolerance down and allows good hits.
If your normal dose is 5g of leaf you are looking at 75 mg mit. For 5g of leaf equivalency youโre looking at .17g of 44% extract. This is very potent stuff. At exactly 1g of this 44% extract you have 440 mg of mitragynine. Itโs very important to know your mitragynine levels in kratom leaf most high quality greens are 1.5% mitragynine so for every gram you have 15mg of mit. Itโs pretty easy math you just move the decimal over and remember itโs always a derivative of ten. 1/10th of 440 is 44 so .1 = 44. I never knew any of this until someone broke it down for me last year. So if your normal dose is 7grams-105mg of mit I highly suggest doing 3.5g of leaf (52mg mit) with .12g of 44% (also 52 mg mit) for basically 105mg total. 3.5 x15= 52, .12 X 44 = 52 for a total of 105 or 7g good plain leaf equivalent. This keeps tolerance down and allows good hits.
Also have a batch ready to evap tomorrow, 3 week tincture about ready, reb bubble in the freezer, cured honey balls, and Iโm prolly forgetting something. I love this plant.
I mean, when life (my obsessive tendencies) gives you kratom, MAKE KRATOMAID! Nuff said. I never use the really good stuff. More so the discount varieties.
Iโm just thankful for the multitude of people that have helped me along the way. Iโm just like anything with life, thereโs thousands of variables that come in to play.
If anyone wants to try out Delta Extracts Kratom, you can use coupon code DMAZZ15 to get 15% off your order. Figured Iโd share the code here, since Delta has some amazing extracts!
If anyone wants to try out Delta Extracts Kratom, you can use coupon code DMAZZ15 to get 15% off your order. Figured Iโd share the code here, since Delta has some amazing extracts!
The sonicator, the magnetic stirrers, yeah man. I wanna be like you when I grow up @JD1969 . I think Iโm going to order some of that for myself for Xmas. Does your sonicator have a heating option?
Cotdam thatโs a thing of beauty @JD1969. How do you personally filter, aero press? and also how do you โdefoamโ? Iโm sorry, but if youโre going to post this beautiful process, Iโm going to pick your brain.
Iโm kinda obsessed with the extract process, so seeing all this really excites me.
This smoke shop had stuff I've only seeing online. The shops where I live McAllen TX, only have opms shots. This shop here in Victoria Texas had extracts from 45 mit, a couple happy hippo extract pills and liquid shot, fire and ice mit... It was cool being in a place that had stuff I was considering ordering but never did cause shipping. Hate waiting for shipping.
Hey y'all. So I'm a newbie in the kitchen/lab/etc, but I made one batch and got discouraged about getting it off my dish. I had to dispose of it because I was leaving for a trip. I'm going to attempt another batch and want to know if I should use silicone instead or just deal with the scraping? Also does parchment paper help?
I'm trying to decide if I'll use alcohol or apple cider vinegar and lemon juice as well?
If anyone has tips, I'd greatly appreciate it. I joined via Reddit in case the sub is ever closed. There are some master extractors in here!
Silicone works great, and I hear parchment works well too. Make sure to get quality parchment. I heard it makes a difference. Also trying mixing vinegar and lemon. What your after is a pH of 4. Some test strips will help you.
Iโm not an expert, yet , but Iโve done over a dozen batches and have learned a lot. So feel free to dm me with questions.
Second attempt/first legitimate attempt begins today! Happy Friday!
Soaked and froze some yesterday. Just gonna get comfy with the process before I put too much in one batch.
Got a pack from WG coming in today, thank goodness. Ready to be making some of my own tho.
We've been experimenting with a new extraction/refinement method. This pic is an (FSE) containing Mitragynine, as an alkaloid salt, dissolved in an acidic H20 solution. It's 100ml of liquid total. This was waaaayyyyy too strong for the tester and they had to lay down for a few hours feeling a warm, fuzzy glow. Was described as enjoyable but too strong. We think the bioavailability of this solution is much higher than other extract forms including liquid extracts. Will probably try again tomorrow with about half of the alkaloid content. This was described as a very clean feeling with zero nausea even with such a high Mitragynine content and overpowering effects. Very promising. Still need to research and confirm shelf life aka alkaloid stability.
I may be wrong, but I donโt think so. I think the salt is formed by adding sodium hydroxide and then the good float to the top, skimmed, dehydrated, cooked to oxidize, then dissolved
I have some overseas organix 80% that I hear is very the exact same stuff. It def makes you zoom zoom @Reekoโฆ but I would avoid that if I were you, especially if youโre new to kratom. If used improperly, it can make you dizzy and kill your tolerance. You donโt want to bust up your tolerance this early in the game lol.
Depends. Most of the High % Extracts are sold in Freebase form. You can add an acid to bring down the PH and it will form an Alkaloid Salt that will dissolve in H20. Freebase Alkaloids are not water soluble and but will dissolve in organic solvents or oils like MCT, PG, VG, etc.
Works great. I'm on week 2 of a taper and refining some of these FB Alks really helps and feels way cleaner. I actually get some of the effects that I used to get from Kratom when first discovering it years ago. It's pretty much quit working for me unless I use a high % extract but only lasts for about 60-90 minutes. It was time for me to take another break and reset. Been using Hemp D9 and lots of Full-Spectrum Cbd to compensate. These refined extracts work much better than the FB least for me currently. The FB Alks used to work great but my receptors need a reboot. This is helping.(edited)
Based Alks coming out of solution. This was some of our Texas Red 30% FSE being refined.
Based Alks dried and powdered.
Alkaloid Salt in solution. Triple Filtered, refined, hits fast and hard but feels clean and has decent legs for an extract. This is the final product using our Texas Red 30% FSE. Mitragynine Citrate + Other Minor Alkaloids(edited)
Glad you enjoy it. The FSE's we sell are great. Only doing this refinement method as part of some experimental processes that we have been undertaking. I'm just showing the last little part of it. The actual extraction methods I can't really discuss because of an NDA but we've got some cool stuff in the works.
Using columbia this first time then ill probably go with someone cheaper i just know columbia tests for alot of alks unlike alot of the cheaper options
$300 per alk panel but its useful to know everything at first so i get a good idea
interesting i have 2 types of extract right now one should be a decent strength full spectrum extract and the other should be pretty high mit, hoping around 45% and 70%
$600 definitely isnt gonna be easy to swing but ill have 2 kg to offload once i get some numbers back, im not selling anything without numbers to prove strength im not about that
Don't "mess around" with chem like that. IT's dangerous- fire and vapor hazards... I use lab grade equipment and have a fume extractor and respirator for reasons.
Ive processed hundreds of kilos for someone else so i definitely know what im doing with this tek but theres always room for improvements thats why im tweaking everything at 25kg batches so im not wasting supplies when i go larger
Superior Extracts
Ive processed hundreds of kilos for someone else so i definitely know what im doing with this tek but theres always room for improvements thats why im tweaking everything at 25kg batches so im not wasting supplies when i go larger
so you'll have read that methanol/ethanol mixes are far superior to food grade solvents then, yes? I've read dozens of papers and lab grade ingredients always yield the best and most reliable results.
Its good for small scale extractions but fumes are going to get very nasty and very dangerous at large scale no matter how good your ventilation plus alot of the major extractors are using this method so i know its scalable to unimaginable proportions
Superior Extracts
Its good for small scale extractions but fumes are going to get very nasty and very dangerous at large scale no matter how good your ventilation plus alot of the major extractors are using this method so i know its scalable to unimaginable proportions
Agree to disagree, but anything can be ventilated properly enough with good fume hoods, or you could use a solvent recovery system and circumvent fumes entirely through vacuum distillation... but hey, those are just thoughts
I have a two neck 2l flask and heating stirring mantle, just need the columns and joints and a few flasks. Even cleaned my vac real well and brought it too
Nice, I self taught most, but had a couple chem courses in college that helped. Didn't keep me from dropping out but guess what I'm going back to pursue? lul
Never saw the point of college unless youre deadset on a career choice i saw it as wasting money on a degree i might use but probably wont end up in that field anyway
Good point. Cool about the projects too. I'm less engineering-inclined than that by far. I did find a route to a novel psychedelic a couple years back but that's a tale for another server or DMs, lol.
Deleted User
Good point. Cool about the projects too. I'm less engineering-inclined than that by far. I did find a route to a novel psychedelic a couple years back but that's a tale for another server or DMs, lol.
@Accomplished-Ant1176 used whiskey once to make an extract. I would probably stay away from rum, because of the high sugar content will burn towards the end of dehydrating.
@Accomplished-Ant1176 used whiskey once to make an extract. I would probably stay away from rum, because of the high sugar content will burn towards the end of dehydrating.
Then you'll want to use as high-proof alcohol as possible. And use some method of removing chlorophylls and other unwanted gunk after you have the crude extract.
Edit: the simplest way for your purposes would be to use activated charcoal powder and a buchner funnel (which requires a vacuum pump, but low-strength ones are available for under $40, probably $60ish on the buchner funnel and erlenmeyer flask, then a bit more for filters and the charcoal powder).(edited)
But @Unknown will have better advice when I comes to that
Then you'll want to use as high-proof alcohol as possible. And use some method of removing chlorophylls and other unwanted gunk after you have the crude extract.
Edit: the simplest way for your purposes would be to use activated charcoal powder and a buchner funnel (which requires a vacuum pump, but low-strength ones are available for under $40, probably $60ish on the buchner funnel and erlenmeyer flask, then a bit more for filters and the charcoal powder). (edited)
Or just buy a water soluble extract and avoid alcohol together. I'd be happy to offer you a deal on some that would work perfectly if you want 10+ grams.
A LOT. MIT is only about 1.6% of leaf powder by weight, and that's if you have a pretty damn good batch. total alkaloids account for up to 12% of leaf weight, the rest is plant matter.
Usually total alkaloid content isn't even that high.
If @Funk and @Kbsassy havenโt seen this guys Reddit page, your missing out. He a legit chemist (that needs to clean his equipment . Lol sry couldnโt resist)
If @Funk and @Kbsassy havenโt seen this guys Reddit page, your missing out. He a legit chemist (that needs to clean his equipment . Lol sry couldnโt resist)
If @Funk and @Kbsassy havenโt seen this guys Reddit page, your missing out. He a legit chemist (that needs to clean his equipment . Lol sry couldnโt resist)
That would be dumb bc without a patent anyone could steal it and sell it to a pharma company or a huge distributor. I'll give broad strokes and advice, but a full-blown cook book is a horrible idea.
Deleted User
That would be dumb bc without a patent anyone could steal it and sell it to a pharma company or a huge distributor. I'll give broad strokes and advice, but a full-blown cook book is a horrible idea.
The last thing I want is for what happened with cannabis to happen to kratom. Altria, parent company of Marlboro, has a huge market share in the cannabis industry now, and it's just another commodity now instead of being its own thing.
Deleted User
That would be dumb bc without a patent anyone could steal it and sell it to a pharma company or a huge distributor. I'll give broad strokes and advice, but a full-blown cook book is a horrible idea.
Y'all I got 15g of 44% from WLG on sale and today I got an email from the post office that mailman delivered it to the wrong address. I had been waiting almost 2 weeks. It was for a trip I'm leaving for Monday. I could cry lol. Anyone know of any smoke shop powder extracts that are decent ? I am scared to trust my mail now. I am gonna take a homemade extract if need be, but I do need extracts to able to discretely dose without hurting my stomach as well. Tough times. Lol. Ideas?!
Y'all I got 15g of 44% from WLG on sale and today I got an email from the post office that mailman delivered it to the wrong address. I had been waiting almost 2 weeks. It was for a trip I'm leaving for Monday. I could cry lol. Anyone know of any smoke shop powder extracts that are decent ? I am scared to trust my mail now. I am gonna take a homemade extract if need be, but I do need extracts to able to discretely dose without hurting my stomach as well. Tough times. Lol. Ideas?!
Bro, this happened to me not long ago. It showed up almost a week later, lol. Not sure what happened. So don't give up hope, but don't get your hopes up too high
Y'all I got 15g of 44% from WLG on sale and today I got an email from the post office that mailman delivered it to the wrong address. I had been waiting almost 2 weeks. It was for a trip I'm leaving for Monday. I could cry lol. Anyone know of any smoke shop powder extracts that are decent ? I am scared to trust my mail now. I am gonna take a homemade extract if need be, but I do need extracts to able to discretely dose without hurting my stomach as well. Tough times. Lol. Ideas?!
Y'all I got 15g of 44% from WLG on sale and today I got an email from the post office that mailman delivered it to the wrong address. I had been waiting almost 2 weeks. It was for a trip I'm leaving for Monday. I could cry lol. Anyone know of any smoke shop powder extracts that are decent ? I am scared to trust my mail now. I am gonna take a homemade extract if need be, but I do need extracts to able to discretely dose without hurting my stomach as well. Tough times. Lol. Ideas?!
Hush has a decent powder but itโs very low in mit like 4% or so. But 3 g will get ya by in a jam think I got a 50g jar and worked on it for a year or so just randomly take it
These suggestions were extremely helpful. I think I was worrying more than I should've been about WD's. I tapered down just fine with plain leaf and a homemade ACV resin/crystal extract. I think I'm just gonna bag a bunch up in an old bag(for TSA)and take it with my plain leaf on the trip as well.
Mostly, I'm just upset that I can't rely on my postman anymore. I've settled down now, lol. Thanks for the help.โค
These suggestions were extremely helpful. I think I was worrying more than I should've been about WD's. I tapered down just fine with plain leaf and a homemade ACV resin/crystal extract. I think I'm just gonna bag a bunch up in an old bag(for TSA)and take it with my plain leaf on the trip as well.
Mostly, I'm just upset that I can't rely on my postman anymore. I've settled down now, lol. Thanks for the help.โค
Depends on what airline you're flying, but be aware that Delta restricts kratom in carry ons to 3gr. I don't usually fly them, but I'm very aware of the airlines limits. American doesn't have one and neither does United afaik. Though I haven't checked since August. I just carry a 3g sample bag that sealed and I put everything in capsules in an echinacea bottle labeled kratom (for transparency), but the TSA at neither where I fly out of or into cared...
Though I brought a metric ton more in my checked baggage
Hey all I put a question in the chat. I need all y'all's best recommendations for whites, please
I'm trying to help a friend and I've already given him my top picks for reds (totally shilling for the vendors we have here too, but IDC... We have the best vendors!) But I need help with whites. I have no idea what I'm doing with those anymore
I'm trying to help a friend and I've already given him my top picks for reds (totally shilling for the vendors we have here too, but IDC... We have the best vendors!) But I need help with whites. I have no idea what I'm doing with those anymore
Thanks guys!!! Iโm finally home in my bed. Iโm powered through it and made $300 so it was worth it but I struggled so hard
Depends on what airline you're flying, but be aware that Delta restricts kratom in carry ons to 3gr. I don't usually fly them, but I'm very aware of the airlines limits. American doesn't have one and neither does United afaik. Though I haven't checked since August. I just carry a 3g sample bag that sealed and I put everything in capsules in an echinacea bottle labeled kratom (for transparency), but the TSA at neither where I fly out of or into cared...
Okay, gotcha!! Luckily southwest has let me through with like 200g in carryon and 300g in checked bag. (Yeah it is a lot, but I am gifting some!)
I usually fly with quite a bit, so I'll have to watch that if i ever use delta.
Southwest also lets you check 2 bags free, so that was easy.(edited)
absolutely chorophylls and other plant matter. gotta strip either with activated charcoal or preferably (if you have the glassware) use a non polar solvent to extract the plant matter tehn rinse to free the alkaloids and the water will form separate layers with the alcohol. It's fun, if you're into that thing.
Deleted User
absolutely chorophylls and other plant matter. gotta strip either with activated charcoal or preferably (if you have the glassware) use a non polar solvent to extract the plant matter tehn rinse to free the alkaloids and the water will form separate layers with the alcohol. It's fun, if you're into that thing.
Def trying to learn. Iโve used whiskey before and it worked out. But I put 200 g of powder and enough everclear to cover it vaped it off at setting 2 for 30 minutes and now drying it and it is green green unlike the red orange Iโve gotten before from acv and citric. Can you tell me what I did wrong ?
Nothing, you did way better.You just gotta get the green out til it's a clearish yellow then crystallize. bangin simple extract.
Not as tek heavy as my synth process but good enough, lol.
Redissolve and filter through activated charcoal 2-3 times you'll be fine that way
Ideally you soak 24h+ in solvent, filter in a 1 micron or less bag, strip plant matter with an NPS then separate and evap solvents in a distillation setup to recycle. The clearish yellow liquid you end up with is what you want.
Deleted User
Ideally you soak 24h+ in solvent, filter in a 1 micron or less bag, strip plant matter with an NPS then separate and evap solvents in a distillation setup to recycle. The clearish yellow liquid you end up with is what you want.
Def trying to learn. Iโve used whiskey before and it worked out. But I put 200 g of powder and enough everclear to cover it vaped it off at setting 2 for 30 minutes and now drying it and it is green green unlike the red orange Iโve gotten before from acv and citric. Can you tell me what I did wrong ?
I have no clue wtf I'm reading but dam u mf's sound smart as hell.. lol(edited)
Lol gm
Def trying to learn. Iโve used whiskey before and it worked out. But I put 200 g of powder and enough everclear to cover it vaped it off at setting 2 for 30 minutes and now drying it and it is green green unlike the red orange Iโve gotten before from acv and citric. Can you tell me what I did wrong ?
color depends ime. like the caramel color of my Red Recliner hasn't seemingly affected potency vs White Light, which is a pure white, but that's 1v1 so hard to say for sure.
I've noticed the white is more freely water soluble, so maybe the darker ones have more freebase alkaloids than salts like I prefer.
Starting an extract soak today for what I'm gonna call Speed Demon- 3:3:2:2 blend of White Borneo, Green Malay, Green Dragon, and Red MD- Should be a speedy mid with a relaxing finish if I got my ratios right.
Oh blended extract havenโt tried that either was working with whites for awhile then it took forever to get my stove replaced thinking about getting back into it tho
Thatโs not a little. Cotdam! 30 x 250? Thatโs 7.5 kilos! 16.5 lbs! What u doing wid all dat kray kray?!
Deleted User
Ideally you soak 24h+ in solvent, filter in a 1 micron or less bag, strip plant matter with an NPS then separate and evap solvents in a distillation setup to recycle. The clearish yellow liquid you end up with is what you want.
Thanks for the tips. I was wondering if a distillation setup would be able to help with extract making.
Deleted User
Starting an extract soak today for what I'm gonna call Speed Demon- 3:3:2:2 blend of White Borneo, Green Malay, Green Dragon, and Red MD- Should be a speedy mid with a relaxing finish if I got my ratios right.
It would help with solvent recovery for sure. Saves money long term. But not necessary for extracts- what you want is a Buchner funnel and Erlenmeyer to match, and a couple big beakers. Like 100 bucks vs 175.
I just bought a new distillation kit yesterday for solvent recovery.
So now MitraXtrax is more environmentally friendly!
@Unknown@Accomplished-Ant1176 the laziest way to extract kratom? I'm not really into alcohol anymore but I'm not opposed to it being used for extraction as long as it's not going to get me drunk.
So could I put everclear and kratom in and let the everclear dissolve away on a low heat?
Or really recently I've just been throwing plant in lemon juice and after 20 minutes it's fully broken down, then water it down with flavor drink and chug it
I'm guessing lemon move is probably the easiest way to make it stronger and avoid stomach issues?
Wish I had the cash to have just bought grams of FSE (maybe next time)
If one acidified the alcohol with citric acid would that be any more effective?
@Unknown@Accomplished-Ant1176 the laziest way to extract kratom? I'm not really into alcohol anymore but I'm not opposed to it being used for extraction as long as it's not going to get me drunk.
So could I put everclear and kratom in and let the everclear dissolve away on a low heat?
Or really recently I've just been throwing plant in lemon juice and after 20 minutes it's fully broken down, then water it down with flavor drink and chug it
I'm guessing lemon move is probably the easiest way to make it stronger and avoid stomach issues?
I honestly can't tell you the laziest way, lol. I don't know of a lazy way to do it. simplest is alcohol extract, filtered through activated charcoal then evaporated.
That's non lazy work though. Being sloppy with extraction is ill advised.
If one acidified the alcohol with citric acid would that be any more effective?
So I've been taking kratom for many many years. Never got into extracts but I'd like to begin my extract journey. Can people please direct me as to where would be a good place to start and what are some of the things you wish you knew when you started w extracts.
I would talk to @Accomplished-Ant1176 he's way knowledgeable regarding this
So I've been taking kratom for many many years. Never got into extracts but I'd like to begin my extract journey. Can people please direct me as to where would be a good place to start and what are some of the things you wish you knew when you started w extracts.
Just keep it mixed with leaf like @BeEliteRepeat said and youโll be able to keep it perfect. Itโs just a hit modifier for me I blend every dose I take with extract unless Iโm testing a new strain from vendor. Iโve been doing it like this for a year and dose once or twice a day and I never go over 8g equivalent
Just keep it mixed with leaf like @BeEliteRepeat said and youโll be able to keep it perfect. Itโs just a hit modifier for me I blend every dose I take with extract unless Iโm testing a new strain from vendor. Iโve been doing it like this for a year and dose once or twice a day and I never go over 8g equivalent
making my first extract order. Looking at Delta extracts ATM. Lemme know what you think of my choices please. I need some guidance here.
5g black 50x
1 super shot
1g super citrus 45%
Was thinking at or just jumping in and getting the extract pack.
making my first extract order. Looking at Delta extracts ATM. Lemme know what you think of my choices please. I need some guidance here.
5g black 50x
1 super shot
1g super citrus 45%
Was thinking at or just jumping in and getting the extract pack.
Extract Pack is the best value for a mixed bag of the most popular extract products plus it comes with 30g of Kratom powder. Someone else will probably chime in but that Extract Pack will give you a good idea of what you like the most from us. The Select Batch Super Green Hulu and Super Green Dragon are also very good Kratom powders.
Extract Pack is the best value for a mixed bag of the most popular extract products plus it comes with 30g of Kratom powder. Someone else will probably chime in but that Extract Pack will give you a good idea of what you like the most from us. The Select Batch Super Green Hulu and Super Green Dragon are also very good Kratom powders.
Extract Pack is the best value for a mixed bag of the most popular extract products plus it comes with 30g of Kratom powder. Someone else will probably chime in but that Extract Pack will give you a good idea of what you like the most from us. The Select Batch Super Green Hulu and Super Green Dragon are also very good Kratom powders.
Extract Pack is the best value for a mixed bag of the most popular extract products plus it comes with 30g of Kratom powder. Someone else will probably chime in but that Extract Pack will give you a good idea of what you like the most from us. The Select Batch Super Green Hulu and Super Green Dragon are also very good Kratom powders.
I got both the select batch green Hulu and green dragon and the black diamond extract. Haven't tried the green Hulu yet but the green dragon is some solid leaf.
Can't wait to try all of your extracts and super green Hulu I have coming in
All the Christmas order have gone out. We're back on schedule and caught up as of Friday. There was a lot to get out the door but we pulled it off. Yours should land soon. We appreciate all the orders and support from everyone.
I got both the select batch green Hulu and green dragon and the black diamond extract. Haven't tried the green Hulu yet but the green dragon is some solid leaf.
Halp. I think Iโve got just chlorophyll again. I used a green strain but canโt feel anything off this. Soaked 100g in golden grain for a day and placed on stove at setting 2 for 30 mins stirred until most alcohol evaporated and then dried it for a day and still donโt think I did it right. Have done this before and it was good to go. Whatโd I do wrong ?
I got both the select batch green Hulu and green dragon and the black diamond extract. Haven't tried the green Hulu yet but the green dragon is some solid leaf.
I also got the 5g red Texas and 5g FSE plus 2g of citrus. I'm pumped
All the Christmas order have gone out. We're back on schedule and caught up as of Friday. There was a lot to get out the door but we pulled it off. Yours should land soon. We appreciate all the orders and support from everyone.
Halp. I think Iโve got just chlorophyll again. I used a green strain but canโt feel anything off this. Soaked 100g in golden grain for a day and placed on stove at setting 2 for 30 mins stirred until most alcohol evaporated and then dried it for a day and still donโt think I did it right. Have done this before and it was good to go. Whatโd I do wrong ?
I would think let it sit longer. Also expose the jar to some extreme conditions. Eg, put it in the freezer overnight, warm water bath on the stove with the lid off, let it sit in the sunlight for a day (uv).
I would think let it sit longer. Also expose the jar to some extreme conditions. Eg, put it in the freezer overnight, warm water bath on the stove with the lid off, let it sit in the sunlight for a day (uv).
Oh no shit ?? Well ty appreciate it. Def gonna try that it makes sense done that with pot before frozen and then stripped with grain liquor. I appreciate it def gonna try this method out.
I add lemon juice, a tiny amount, just to moisten the leaf, then freeze, then thaw, in warm water, then add my acv n more lemon juice n warm water, let it steep, the DOWN IT
But I think this will werk for an extraction too, I just did it small amount but I made the red
I wanna try everclear, acv, and lemon juice all in one extraction
I wanna try everclear, acv, and lemon juice all in one extraction
I donโt even remember who told me that in the first place, Iโve bothered so many people about extract info. On Reddit I used to shamelessly ask 100 questions to anyone I saw post a pic of extract
I think about it like this. Those shots are like $20 ea. Theres roughy 10g of leaf in a shot. If you buy a kilo a @$100 (which is extremely expensive), and take a 10g dose, it costs you $1. The equivalent of a $20 shot
Ideally one but I am a parcel delivery boy and sometimes I need 2 plus a few extract caps. Plus kratom coffee in the morning. But after loadout and I get to my first stop I'm dropping extracts. It's hard on my body and these extracts keep me calm focused and give me da juice to git r done. But I'm done with it.
I do like that thought. If I can find something to fill them that works for me. Generally I need to take an extract caple with a shot to notice the cap
I have the means to cap my stuff so I like the idea
That sounds like something I would be more comfortable with. My job had this "netradyne" camera watching me any time I'm behind the wheel so caps would actually look better, I'm surprised after this long they haven't asked if I'm slamming airplane bottles on route โ
Ohh it's not so bad... Okay it's bad, Ill admit I deal with being exploited on a daily basis after earning my stripes and becoming the literally saltiest yet craftiest veteran drivers on the team. They like to play us off our own work ethics, it's discusting. But as y'all know, when my chakratoms are aligned, Im ready for anything(edited)
For me I just don't subscribe to "strains".. colors, maybe..and I'm not looking for anything other than potent leaf of any color "strain" whatever
I enjoy the full spectrum, leaf and extract hit different and yes I enjoy mixing them and liq shots
Ultimate goal is get away for OPMs to something different that gives me that good fix lol. I use kratom for all reasons: clarity, euphoria, pain relief (opiates lead me backwards) some anxiety relief but I'm not really an anxious person. Finally, helps with depression. Sorry for the ramble! Thanks for everyone's imput
Introducing Overseas Organix 80% mitragynine liquid kratom shot. This is a ultra premium shot with an almost clear color representing unmatchable quality!
Last I checked it was... I might hafta revisit the website 2 confirm that... Last time I looked @ it was summertime, then I found a shop had a whole ass wall of Earth Kratom, and my gf got me a 250 bag of the green Hulu for like $20
I still have it matter of fact, I have a MASSIVE stash these days (imo massive)
Several kilos werth at least
And I always take different stuff for everydose
I have extracts friends have sent me, but I fucked up my tolerance a while back using em, and I STRUGGLED 2 get it back down
No I RARELY take em, but I do smtimes if I'm feeling froggy
If anyone has a good breakdown on the differences on MIT and OH7 and you have the time I would be grateful. Been doing Kratom for years, stopped, sox months ago jumped in but I'm in a love affair with extracts. I just want to regain control of my use/abuse
Immensely appreciated. I'm not a kratom noob, took a long break for unrelated reasons. Back then I hated xtrax. Nowadays I love both leaf and xtrax, but the tolly issues are taking hold. I'm well aware a tolly break or atleast a taper is in order but even after that it is imperative I find the appropriate extract for me that isn't OPMS because while I am subcontracted by Jeffrey Benzos, I'm not worthy of being employed by Amazon. Just drive his unmaintained vans with tires on the verge of popping and wear his atrocious uniforms that I just take off once I pull out the warehouse and I just don't give a fuck any more I need to be leveled out out there. Ppl don't realize when you see a prime van you should be seeing a giant ๏ธ(edited)
If you do want to splurge on a shot in the futureโฆ keep youโre eye out on Reddit for mitramikes better than black shots. They are only $12 last I checked. But they sell out in about a day
Youโd benefit from a high mitragynine extract powder thatโs full spectrum and not just isolated mitragynine and blended with kratom leaf. Youโll save a LOT of money. Iโve had combinations way better than opms. I experiment and tinker with extract and leaf exclusively unless Iโm testing a strain for a vendor.
Youโd benefit from a high mitragynine extract powder thatโs full spectrum and not just isolated mitragynine and blended with kratom leaf. Youโll save a LOT of money. Iโve had combinations way better than opms. I experiment and tinker with extract and leaf exclusively unless Iโm testing a strain for a vendor.
It'll make your stomach hurt. But you can mix it with a juice after letting the lemon do it's thing and strain it in a coffee filter. No plant matter and better flavor
I use a ton of lemon juice and drink it, it's one of the few things that won't bother me.... Plus a tiny extra bit of vit C can't hurt me. But I'm also an outlier on a lot of things... Including this apparently
I use a mason jar, put lemon juice, put my kratom, add a little honey, mix it, let it sit while the water heats up (I add the water in stages at varying temps because I don't want to crack the glass... But then I mix it, let it sit until either all of/most of the plant matter settles in tht bottom... If you wait long enough, you'll have clear tea. If you don't, you'll still get less plant matter than not doing this at all, but I need to add extra kratom to use this method or the tea is weak. I put like 7gr per 32oz jar
Yo. @mooncusser901 and his girl are bad off. They are in the hospital cause of mitraxtrax. I just talked to him for a while. Anything we can do to hold this guy accountable? @Accomplished-Ant1176
It was a gift and it is good asf, slow as hell, but feels great
Yo. @mooncusser901 and his girl are bad off. They are in the hospital cause of mitraxtrax. I just talked to him for a while. Anything we can do to hold this guy accountable? @Accomplished-Ant1176
Yes sir been on it since around 3 today. Left him a vmail and did a psa. Banned him a week ago and put it in the chat that the ban was due to a potential safety concern etc.
For clarity sake i reached out to him yesterday about my pe nding order and raised my concerns. Hes not responding to my messages. I figured this would be the case.
I just sent this to @mooncusser901 but figured I could post here too. Mike might have some even better tips.
Buy your self some pH test strips. Theyโre super cheep on Amazon. Unfortunately I donโt have exact measurements. But Iโll give you my process. I usually do 25 or 50g batches. First, weigh out your powdered leaf and put it in a sealed container in the freezer, dry. For maybe an hour or so. Now pull it out and add your citrus juice till it saturated and looks like quicksand. Thick bit not runny. Lemon is the most acidic, but grapefruit is a potentator. If your drinking the tea I wouldnโt use vinegar. Itโs hard to stomach. In the pic I posted I used white vinegar and citric acid. But I turned that in to dry extract.
Now put the acidified powder back in the freezer till is frozen solid (4 hours?). Once frozen solid, pull it out and let thaw. While thawing gently heat up a quart of water. No need to boil, just warm and steamy. Now pour a third of the warm water over the thawed (itโs ok if itโs still a lil frozen) powder, and whisk the shit out of it. Now then add more water till your container is 3/4 full. Donโt fill it to the brim because of expansion. Whisk again, and then test the pH. Add more citrus juice till your test strip reads pH4. Let it cool slightly, cover and return to the freezer overnight. You should have a solid red color them. Let it thaw and you can pour the good red bub tea right off the top. Iโve seen people cut the leaf powder off with a serrated knife while still frozen, but I find it easier to just let it thaw and separate naturally.
Hey looks solid Tek to me,with the pH I like to run it between 2-4 pH and here is a tip if the acid is hard for ya to stomache you can always add a pinch of bake soda to the mix before ya consume it to help neutralize the acid
I just sent this to @mooncusser901 but figured I could post here too. Mike might have some even better tips.
Buy your self some pH test strips. Theyโre super cheep on Amazon. Unfortunately I donโt have exact measurements. But Iโll give you my process. I usually do 25 or 50g batches. First, weigh out your powdered leaf and put it in a sealed container in the freezer, dry. For maybe an hour or so. Now pull it out and add your citrus juice till it saturated and looks like quicksand. Thick bit not runny. Lemon is the most acidic, but grapefruit is a potentator. If your drinking the tea I wouldnโt use vinegar. Itโs hard to stomach. In the pic I posted I used white vinegar and citric acid. But I turned that in to dry extract.
Now put the acidified powder back in the freezer till is frozen solid (4 hours?). Once frozen solid, pull it out and let thaw. While thawing gently heat up a quart of water. No need to boil, just warm and steamy. Now pour a third of the warm water over the thawed (itโs ok if itโs still a lil frozen) powder, and whisk the shit out of it. Now then add more water till your container is 3/4 full. Donโt fill it to the brim because of expansion. Whisk again, and then test the pH. Add more citrus juice till your test strip reads pH4. Let it cool slightly, cover and return to the freezer overnight. You should have a solid red color them. Let it thaw and you can pour the good red bub tea right off the top. Iโve seen people cut the leaf powder off with a serrated knife while still frozen, but I find it easier to just let it thaw and separate naturally.
I have like a small bit of orange juice right now to try it with, but would you recommend me to getting lemon juice and just doing it right the first time?
I donโt know. It would be interesting if the fermentation somehow oxidized some of the mit to convert into 7-oh lol
I have like a small bit of orange juice right now to try it with, but would you recommend me to getting lemon juice and just doing it right the first time?
He gave a a 750ml bottle of that boucha. It was amazing.
Both my kids have been drinking kombucha since they were 1 yo. They like it better than soda honestly. They also eat the hell out of fermented veggies too. 5 and 7 YO now. I put fermented garlic scapes in my daughters lunch box and she said that a girl was picking on her because her lunch smelled bad. she said, you should try it!, and offered her some. When my daughter told me the story, she said, but I donโt care because theyโre good.
Is crushed leaf literally just the product before being ground into powder?? Or is it different in strength somehow? Otherwise @Accomplished-Ant1176 , Iโd assume the more broken down the batch product the better for pulling any alks right? Iโm only adding to this question, Iโm curious as well lol
statefarmjake {4}
Is crushed leaf literally just the product before being ground into powder?? Or is it different in strength somehow? Otherwise @Accomplished-Ant1176 , Iโd assume the more broken down the batch product the better for pulling any alks right? Iโm only adding to this question, Iโm curious as well lol
So why does thawing/refreezing it more than a single or couple times in row benefit the extraction significantly? I had just assumed a pull likely couldnโt exceed much higher alk concentration than it is by the first or second pull? Unless itโs a matter of breakdown and mit/alk conversion due to the freezing process itself?
@ someone smarter than me on here Lol I love getting learnted to. Iโm invested now
noticeably exceed I mean
Obviously in theory youโre gonna pull more just didnโt realize it would be worth the extra hours ig
@statefarmjake {4} ice crystals break down the cell walls... The more u freeze then thaw BEFORE u add the hot water(that's important...BEFORE) The further the cell walls are destroyed by the destructive nature of ice... Think of freezing water in a capped PVC pipe.... It'll bust it, thaw it out, the pipe may or may not COMPLETELY b destroyed... But keep on freezing/thawing, eventually it'll crack it in half hope this helps, sm say freeze /thaw 3x is best
@statefarmjake {4} ice crystals break down the cell walls... The more u freeze then thaw BEFORE u add the hot water(that's important...BEFORE) The further the cell walls are destroyed by the destructive nature of ice... Think of freezing water in a capped PVC pipe.... It'll bust it, thaw it out, the pipe may or may not COMPLETELY b destroyed... But keep on freezing/thawing, eventually it'll crack it in half hope this helps, sm say freeze /thaw 3x is best
Thanks btw! ig I was overlooking some of the process here lol I wasnโt aware of the freezing before the hot water. I though you were adding hot before freezing and then thawing and freezing again lol. damn I wish there was like a book or something explaining in depth the science behind all that goes into something like this. That way I wont have to sound quite so clueless on the discord anymore
โKratom extraction for dummiesโ keep it simple
statefarmjake {4}
Thanks btw! ig I was overlooking some of the process here lol I wasnโt aware of the freezing before the hot water. I though you were adding hot before freezing and then thawing and freezing again lol. damn I wish there was like a book or something explaining in depth the science behind all that goes into something like this. That way I wont have to sound quite so clueless on the discord anymore
Aye thatโs fair lol so far I only know about two things
-very simple red bubble
-donโt use denatured alcohol as a solvent
@statefarmjake {4} ice crystals break down the cell walls... The more u freeze then thaw BEFORE u add the hot water(that's important...BEFORE) The further the cell walls are destroyed by the destructive nature of ice... Think of freezing water in a capped PVC pipe.... It'll bust it, thaw it out, the pipe may or may not COMPLETELY b destroyed... But keep on freezing/thawing, eventually it'll crack it in half hope this helps, sm say freeze /thaw 3x is best
Would you mind DMing me steps you took? Or if you just followed something online. Curious to simply compare exactly what I was doing Vs a proven or at least structured method is all.
statefarmjake {4}
Would you mind DMing me steps you took? Or if you just followed something online. Curious to simply compare exactly what I was doing Vs a proven or at least structured method is all.
All Iโm saying is if this is something consumed often it would be like drinking GALLONS of Mountain Dew every day in the way it would affect your body.
All Iโm saying is if this is something consumed often it would be like drinking GALLONS of Mountain Dew every day in the way it would affect your body.
I tripped and ate shit in fareway grocery like 6 months ago and I looked at the girl working and said I just needed some milkโฆโฆmistake cuz now that lady sees me and still yells out asking โyou gonna need some milk today sir?!โ โฆ.hate it lmao
One of my favorite vines! I quote that anytime someone trips/falls, or mentions milk
I got 3lbs of lemons for 1.99$ the other day. But we also keep big bottles of "Real Lemon" lemon (and lime) juice in the house, for cooking.... I'm almost done using the 3lbs though lol
Oh those look awesome! How do they work? Well for our needs?
I used them to make the red bubble,in drinks,in cooking.....and place you need lime or lemon.
I got 3lbs of lemons for 1.99$ the other day. But we also keep big bottles of "Real Lemon" lemon (and lime) juice in the house, for cooking.... I'm almost done using the 3lbs though lol
I had to put half of it back in the oven. It was still tacky. And I learned I trick recently! The the lowest my oven goes is 170. Which is higher than I want for dehydrating extract. But, if you turn the convection (fan) on, the temp automatically lowers by 25 degrees to compensate. So I set it at 170 convection on, so itโs dehydrating at 145. Took two days to dehydrate. (I donโt leave the oven on when Iโm not at home).
PH Meter for Water Hydroponics Digital PH Tester Pen 0.01 High Accuracy Pocket Size with 0-14 PH Measurement Range for Household Drinking, Pool and Aquarium (Yellow)
Cool! Bet he loves that. There's lots of good uses for it. Makes a preservative as well. We've used it in some water based body care products that we manufacture for another brand to prevent mold from growing.
I thought this might be the better place for this-
We need some experienced extract consumers to give detailed feedback on some new high MIT options we're considering bringing on. A new 45% MIT, and a groundbreaking 60x- the likes of which haven't been seen yet. It comes from the same chemist that made the 38% MIT extract with 1.56% 7-OH.
Please PM us if interested.
I thought this might be the better place for this-
We need some experienced extract consumers to give detailed feedback on some new high MIT options we're considering bringing on. A new 45% MIT, and a groundbreaking 60x- the likes of which haven't been seen yet. It comes from the same chemist that made the 38% MIT extract with 1.56% 7-OH.
Please PM us if interested.
We've used both malic and citric acid and both work well. Different types of water can have a variation of pH so it's best to have a digital pH Meter or test strips on hand to read the measurement of acidity/alkalinity accurately. Also, once the acidic solution is created, depending on what material is added to it, can effect the pH. So for example, if we have 50ml of dh20 solution with a pH of 7 and then we added 300mg of CA, we may end up with a pH of 3.5. If a Freebase Extract is then added to the solution, usually this will cause the solution to go alkaline a few points. So you will need to measure and adjust it once again to get you around the 3-4 pH range. We usually like to be below 4 but above 3. Yes, you can use CA or MA in place of ACV or LJ. You are basically using the pure component that is responsible for the drop in pH that comes from ACV or LJ. Hope this is helpful. If you still need help just ask and someone will chime in.
We've used both malic and citric acid and both work well. Different types of water can have a variation of pH so it's best to have a digital pH Meter or test strips on hand to read the measurement of acidity/alkalinity accurately. Also, once the acidic solution is created, depending on what material is added to it, can effect the pH. So for example, if we have 50ml of dh20 solution with a pH of 7 and then we added 300mg of CA, we may end up with a pH of 3.5. If a Freebase Extract is then added to the solution, usually this will cause the solution to go alkaline a few points. So you will need to measure and adjust it once again to get you around the 3-4 pH range. We usually like to be below 4 but above 3. Yes, you can use CA or MA in place of ACV or LJ. You are basically using the pure component that is responsible for the drop in pH that comes from ACV or LJ. Hope this is helpful. If you still need help just ask and someone will chime in.
Shoot us an email if you have any questions: [email protected] There are lots of great vendors on this discord so be sure to check them all out. Each one has something a little different than the others but all are
You guys order those pH test strips yet? That and a small bag of citric acid will change your game for sure.
Damn I should have waited to place my order the other day and added some of that myself to try out! Lol sounds like everyoneโs pretty hyped about it!
I have the burakorn Ant sent, but sometimes I want to make tea from some of the kratom powder that I have. I put some in a little travel mug thing and I sip on it overnight, instead of running to the kitchen to take a dose of powder. This way I can go back to sleep faster.... I'm losing too much sleep at night waking up all the times that I do. Anything that can let me let lay back down faster is good.
I have the burakorn Ant sent, but sometimes I want to make tea from some of the kratom powder that I have. I put some in a little travel mug thing and I sip on it overnight, instead of running to the kitchen to take a dose of powder. This way I can go back to sleep faster.... I'm losing too much sleep at night waking up all the times that I do. Anything that can let me let lay back down faster is good.
Damn I should have waited to place my order the other day and added some of that myself to try out! Lol sounds like everyoneโs pretty hyped about it!
I only got a sample of the green jungle but I'm going to see if he'll have any left (prolly not, but I can hope anyway) in the beginning of February. I got some red jungle and I needed to try whites again so I got some white jungle as well
Either will work ,I like to mix vinegar and lemone or lime even parts for my acid mix works superb ,then I will add a pinch of bake soda right before I chug it down to neutralize the acid
Not an extract, but my tea for tomorrow (and overnight tonight)
Ultra lazy way: put lemon juice in mug, microwave 15 seconds (this will come into play later) add a bunch of lemon juice until it looks like it'll cover the dose amt. Add dose, I use a glass jar for my overnight teas, so I use a skinny wooden spoon to mix (so I won't hit the glass sides or it won't react with the acid in the lemon juice). Let sit (at least 5 minutes, sometimes longer.) Then add hot water (I don't have the ball brand jars) so I do half an inch of hot, half inch of hotter, then just add almost boiling water until it's about 1/2 in below the neck of the jar... Add a dash of honey (IDK why, I just do it) stir well, cap the jar, carefully put it somewhere until it can sit for twenty minutes or in my case, until it's room temp, so I can put it in the fridge. It works well enough. But I also don't have the time or energy to really do any work on tea past this here. End result: it works
Ultra lazy way: put lemon juice in mug, microwave 15 seconds (this will come into play later) add a bunch of lemon juice until it looks like it'll cover the dose amt. Add dose, I use a glass jar for my overnight teas, so I use a skinny wooden spoon to mix (so I won't hit the glass sides or it won't react with the acid in the lemon juice). Let sit (at least 5 minutes, sometimes longer.) Then add hot water (I don't have the ball brand jars) so I do half an inch of hot, half inch of hotter, then just add almost boiling water until it's about 1/2 in below the neck of the jar... Add a dash of honey (IDK why, I just do it) stir well, cap the jar, carefully put it somewhere until it can sit for twenty minutes or in my case, until it's room temp, so I can put it in the fridge. It works well enough. But I also don't have the time or energy to really do any work on tea past this here. End result: it works
Everclear makes a 90% alcohol (180 proof) thatโs that I use. Use a 1:5 plant to alcohol ratio (eg, if your using 100 grams leaf use 500 ml alcohol). I typically use a bit more alcohol also cause some will evaporate, especially if youโre using the 180 proof. A nice โfull spectrumโ blend is 50g green, 25 white and 25 red (or yellow). Measure out the 500 ml alcohol and pour it in a large mason jar. Now add your 100 g leaf. Stir it up good, or just put the lid on and shake the shit out of it. Normally 4-6 weeks is a good estimate for โsoak timeโ. So make sure to slap on a label with the start date and the % of R, W, G leafs.(edited)
Make sure to shake it everyday or at least a couple times a week. But the final week I donโt shake it all so it will settle and makes pouring off the good liquid even easier. All tincture recipes say to โstore in a cool dark placeโ. And for a majority of the time this is true. But I believe exposure to extreme conditions can pull out even more alks. Eg, place it in the freezer over night. The alcohol wonโt freeze but the leaf does. Breaking up those cell walls. Also I believe that itโs beneficial to partially submerging the mason jar in a warm water bath (with the lid off so it doesnโt blowup!) and giving it a good gentle stir, and then just let it sit there for a while till it cools off, then re-lid and put back in storage. Lastly, if you want to increase the 7ohm (and decrease mit), then let it sit out on your porch in a SUNNY spot all day. The UV converts mit to 7ohm.
Then you can let the liquid sit out and it will evaporate on it own and concentrate itself. If you want to remove the alcohol all together place the liquid in a double boiler and add water to it. The alcohol will evaporate before the water. When it no longer smells like alcohol then itโs pretty much all gone. But the alcohol does preserve it too, so if you evaporate all of it you may want to add a splash of alcohol back to it just for preservation. Or you can freeze the water extract.
The next thing Iโm trying to learn is how to carbon filter it to remove chlorophyll without removing alks.
If anyone has knowledge on this part please share!
Hey guys, if you were to take a letโs say a better than black shot today when would be the best day to take another one to have full benefit? Wait two or three days?
@Mitra Mike Extractz on your reddit post about superior/no owl, which cup is which extract? I got samples today and I just wanna make sure which one I'm taking
Currently dont have one. I was trying to make one with squarespace yesterday but got frustrated and gave up. I think ill just hire someone from fivver to design me one.
Superior Extracts
Currently dont have one. I was trying to make one with squarespace yesterday but got frustrated and gave up. I think ill just hire someone from fivver to design me one.
Sorry for butting in.. when I first started, I did the same thing.. hired someone on Fiverr.. bought me a WordPress page and and it didn't work out well.. so @deltaextractskratom helped me get mine done. Your best bet is let him help you. Lol
Sorry for butting in.. when I first started, I did the same thing.. hired someone on Fiverr.. bought me a WordPress page and and it didn't work out well.. so @deltaextractskratom helped me get mine done. Your best bet is let him help you. Lol
Youre not butting in, i really appreciate the input it definitely seems like the way to go. Thank you!!
Sorry for butting in.. when I first started, I did the same thing.. hired someone on Fiverr.. bought me a WordPress page and and it didn't work out well.. so @deltaextractskratom helped me get mine done. Your best bet is let him help you. Lol
Hey guys, just a lurker here lol. Has anyone tried the 80% pineapple liquid shots from WG? I just tried the ones from overseas organics and love them. The ones at WG look like the same packaging, curious if the product is the same. TIA!
Hey guys, just a lurker here lol. Has anyone tried the 80% pineapple liquid shots from WG? I just tried the ones from overseas organics and love them. The ones at WG look like the same packaging, curious if the product is the same. TIA!
Hey guys, just a lurker here lol. Has anyone tried the 80% pineapple liquid shots from WG? I just tried the ones from overseas organics and love them. The ones at WG look like the same packaging, curious if the product is the same. TIA!
Got the new labs for this fresh batch of 20%!!!
25.6% MIT
.0511% 7-hydroxy
5.07% Paynantheine
3.79% Speciociliatine
3.07% Speciogynine
Solid spectrum of alks, and they hit amazingly. Our enhanced caps feel like a nice heavy warm dose of powder. Think we're onto something(edited)
The previous batch was higher in 7-OH but this one seems to have a more broad spectrum. As far as feeling goes it isn't too much different. It feels like a very similar ratio of alkaloids to regular leaf which is awesome (for me).
We're starting to formulate some blends now with higher MIT because those tend to be more stimulating, but the first order of business was making something convenient that felt identical to a good powder dose.
We're starting to formulate some blends now with higher MIT because those tend to be more stimulating, but the first order of business was making something convenient that felt identical to a good powder dose.
I think 90% of people who take extracts are looking for one that feels like a good powder dose
Got the new labs for this fresh batch of 20%!!!
25.6% MIT
.0511% 7-hydroxy
5.07% Paynantheine
3.79% Speciociliatine
3.07% Speciogynine
Solid spectrum of alks, and they hit amazingly. Our enhanced caps feel like a nice heavy warm dose of powder. Think we're onto something (edited)
I want to dive into hydroxylation at some point because the last batch was .23% 7-OH. Now that the MIT levels are higher I could sacrifice a little bit for additional 7-OH. I want the ratios to be a little tighter. Gotta work with what we have though
Probably good advice. I don't think I tried them until I was a few years in but if I had started with them, I don't think it would have been much of a different outcome.
I have an extremely high tolerance, and Iโm still very careful with any extract
Probably good advice. I don't think I tried them until I was a few years in but if I had started with them, I don't think it would have been much of a different outcome.
I see so many casual users, even ones that have taken kratom for years that are completely reckless with dosing. That problem is even worse with extracts because it's so easy to overdo it.
Of course anybody with half a brain measures it carefully, does the calculations, knows their limits, and won't hurt their tolerance or fuck themselves up
A solid 25% of my local customers don't measure their doses despite my warnings and recommendations
I find slightly higher 7ohm to help with certain kinds of pain, but burn wise it does nothing for me (especially alone).... Full spectrum leaf however, totally different story. 7ohm just adds in a nice touch of warmth and pain relief
I mean we're all individuals here with different chemistry, but you'll often see Delta talk about FSE (full spectrum extracts).... Which usually include all of the lesser talked about alks.... Personally I rely on payethinine and Speciociliatine and one other (escapes me at the moment), becausethey are the muscle relaxant alks
I'll have to try it. March I will put you on my list (I have a budget unfortunately and I set it ahead of time).... But I definitely want to try it! I have an extract from Delta that is pretty high in payethinine but I put it in my apocalypse stash (because I live in Mississippi at this current moment)
Superior Extracts
The 30% i have has 9.39% payethinine and 13.7% speciociliatine
I'll have to start paying attention to those alkaloids. I'm guessing you're right
I'll have to try it. March I will put you on my list (I have a budget unfortunately and I set it ahead of time).... But I definitely want to try it! I have an extract from Delta that is pretty high in payethinine but I put it in my apocalypse stash (because I live in Mississippi at this current moment)
I need muscle relaxant properties at night especially. Trying to sleep when one side of you has cerebral Palsy, isn't fun. Those muscle relaxant alks are a game changer for me
I think you can still achieve full spectrum with high percentages, but itโs easier to do with a lower percentage extract. Because my understanding is the percentage is not a percentage of total alkaloids, but just a percentage of the mitragynine. The other % are generally not registered unless itโs says โtotal alkaloid %โ. This is my understanding at least. So if you see 80% extract (mitragynine), that leaves little room for any other alkaloids. Therefore a lower, say 30% (mitragynine) would have more room for other alkaloids, and more likely be a more well-rounded, full spectrum extract.
Yep regaurdless dehydration will kill off some of them in all of the different extracts but i dehydrate at a low temp
I think you can still achieve full spectrum with high percentages, but itโs easier to do with a lower percentage extract. Because my understanding is the percentage is not a percentage of total alkaloids, but just a percentage of the mitragynine. The other % are generally not registered unless itโs says โtotal alkaloid %โ. This is my understanding at least. So if you see 80% extract (mitragynine), that leaves little room for any other alkaloids. Therefore a lower, say 30% (mitragynine) would have more room for other alkaloids, and more likely be a more well-rounded, full spectrum extract.
Example, Dek has a โ45% indo extractโ. But when you look at the labs, itโs something like 66% total alks. @deltaextractskratom(edited)
I think you can still achieve full spectrum with high percentages, but itโs easier to do with a lower percentage extract. Because my understanding is the percentage is not a percentage of total alkaloids, but just a percentage of the mitragynine. The other % are generally not registered unless itโs says โtotal alkaloid %โ. This is my understanding at least. So if you see 80% extract (mitragynine), that leaves little room for any other alkaloids. Therefore a lower, say 30% (mitragynine) would have more room for other alkaloids, and more likely be a more well-rounded, full spectrum extract.
This is why I usually choose to stay with 30% FSE types. But Delta Extracts (minus tht soap, I'm using that already lol, very good BTW) but his extract went unopened into my stash (better safe than sorry)
I'm excited to be able to finally try it though. As I'm excited to try @Superior Extracts in March. I just make my list for the next month, way ahead of time....(sorry)
Mike was talking once about โhoping the humidity was low so his extracts dried faster.โ I was thinking damn, he must be drying his extract super slow.(edited)
Mike was talking once about โhoping the humidity was low so his extracts dried faster.โ I was thinking damn, he must be drying his extract super slow. (edited)
Alks start to deteriorate in the low 100 degrees range 7oh is probably the worst for it from what ive found out
The way i make my extracts i remove most of the water in the beginning and theres way less i have to dehydrate out so itll take maybe 24 hrs max for like 150g
Superior Extracts
The 30% i have has 9.39% payethinine and 13.7% speciociliatine
I have your Gold Indo 30% FSE!! I just got it earlier this month, but because of the ban threat hanging over my head.... I put it away unopened for a rainy day
@deltaextractskratom it's what I got from you along with the amethyst crystal soap!!
The soap is awesome BTW (but I'm off topic here, so that's all I'll say in the extract channel)
@deltaextractskratom it's what I got from you along with the amethyst crystal soap!!
I remember! Thank You! I was just pointing out the Gold Indo Labs for the Specioliatine and paynantheine values because they are just a touch higher than @Superior Extracts 30%. He's got a good 30% if the values are high like the Gold Indo. I bet people like it.
I remember! Thank You! I was just pointing out the Gold Indo Labs for the Specioliatine and paynantheine values because they are just a touch higher than @Superior Extracts 30%. He's got a good 30% if the values are high like the Gold Indo. I bet people like it.
@Superior Extracts you are going to do well with lab tested extracts that are clean looking like they do and if MitraMike endorses you, that's $$$ !!! Wish you the best of luck in your pursuits and if you need any help or anything at all feel free to reach out dude. We all try to help each other out instead of fight and tearing each other down. Welcome aboard! It's nice to have another quality extract vendor around!
I wonder what i would get if i used the 30% method without pulling the 65% out first
@Superior Extracts you are going to do well with lab tested extracts that are clean looking like they do and if MitraMike endorses you, that's $$$ !!! Wish you the best of luck in your pursuits and if you need any help or anything at all feel free to reach out dude. We all try to help each other out instead of fight and tearing each other down. Welcome aboard! It's nice to have another quality extract vendor around!
I like to study people like you guys (with the little bits of knowledge that I can get at a time). I have a vision of a semi pro extract setup. One day.
@Superior Extracts you are going to do well with lab tested extracts that are clean looking like they do and if MitraMike endorses you, that's $$$ !!! Wish you the best of luck in your pursuits and if you need any help or anything at all feel free to reach out dude. We all try to help each other out instead of fight and tearing each other down. Welcome aboard! It's nice to have another quality extract vendor around!
No worries at all! I know how it goes. There's lots of options on how to go about it but the method I've been using seems to workout pretty smoothly so far... knock on wood. If you decide you want to move forward, just shoot us an email.
No worries at all! I know how it goes. There's lots of options on how to go about it but the method I've been using seems to workout pretty smoothly so far... knock on wood. If you decide you want to move forward, just shoot us an email.
Using citrus and vinegar together, actually works better. Something about polar and nonpolar solvents. I believe. Just make sure not to mix ethanol, alcohol and vinegar as a solvent or youโll get a bad reaction.
Citric acid is what you want if youโre trying to make extract with a powdered solvent(edited)
I am by no means an expert, but I have a few good tips. If you have anymore, questions just direct messaged me so we donโt clog up this chat. Thanks!
I am by no means an expert, but I have a few good tips. If you have anymore, questions just direct messaged me so we donโt clog up this chat. Thanks!
Yes! It feels repetitive, but at the end, all of the steps work! And itโs so satisfying! My favorite quote of all time is, โanything worth doing is worth doing rightโ
But I do love the science and I love soaking up information like a sponge.
But really yes for the most part. Itโs more about the idea that he had that is spread. Gonzo journalism. Fact and fiction crossover that has meaning and storytelling.
Working on something pretty cool for yall right now....we've got a lot more products up for sale and on the way/in development, but that's not what I'm talking about rn. This will be a way for all the Team Delta people to save some big $$$. Basically same pricing as the Christmas sale year round. Should have it finished up soon and will post when ready.(edited)
Working on something pretty cool for yall right now....we've got a lot more products up for sale and on the way/in development, but that's not what I'm talking about rn. This will be a way for all the Team Delta people to save some big $$$. Basically same pricing as the Christmas sale year round. Should have it finished up soon and will post when ready. (edited)
Thatโs cool as shit. I know that Johnny Depp has been through the ringer recently. But he studied under Hunter S Thompson for multiple months, living with him before acting as him. I donโt know any other actor that has done a similar thing. Not only that, but Johnny Depp paid for Hunter S Thompsonโs funeral to be one of the most elaborate displays of a funeral of all time.
Working on something pretty cool for yall right now....we've got a lot more products up for sale and on the way/in development, but that's not what I'm talking about rn. This will be a way for all the Team Delta people to save some big $$$. Basically same pricing as the Christmas sale year round. Should have it finished up soon and will post when ready. (edited)
Thatโs cool as shit. I know that Johnny Depp has been through the ringer recently. But he studied under Hunter S Thompson for multiple months, living with him before acting as him. I donโt know any other actor that has done a similar thing. Not only that, but Johnny Depp paid for Hunter S Thompsonโs funeral to be one of the most elaborate displays of a funeral of all time.
No, I canโt imagine. But I like to assume they did a little bit of everything. From what I know Johnny Depp lived in Thompsonโs basement for more than a month. Iโm sure he got a taste of what Hunter was into. But he changed a lot during his life span(edited)
Oh man I couldnโt even imagine. I saw depp make a video for a kid with a pirate channel for Christmas โค๏ธ he has a huge heart. And if a woman crawled up dropped trowel and took a shit on my bed Iโd prob throw her out the window so Iโm certainly never gonna judge him but he won
Do like 180 degrees and keep it below 200 or alkaloids start burning off. Is what i do for home extract may be wrong. If anyone else wants to chime in โโ๏ธ
Iโve found If you leave it in the back fridge for a few days and shake it up every so often you hardly have to strain it at all. Itโll all separate
You should be good too much lemon will make it worse. And the taste of acv is a small thing to get over when the extract is better then just lemon juice. Iโd say try it both ways for personal preference but every batch Iโve done with acv and lemon juice has been better then just lemon juice
Itโs something to do with them being polar and non polar solvents. Hopefully someone else can chime in Iโm not the most tech savvy but dr dunkelstein who is not longer in here with us walked me through the process
@MikeyCee87@Self Care MC is correct Polar solvents have large dipole moments (aka โpartial chargesโ); they contain bonds between atoms with very different electronegativities, such as oxygen and hydrogen. Non polar solvents contain bonds between atoms with similar electronegativities, such as carbon and hydrogen (think hydrocarbons, such as gasoline).Apr
Polar v nom polar solvents both pull out different alkaloids
Thatโs why some do two runs using one oth first time and the other the second.
Just make sure not to use ethanol and acetic acid (vinegar) and I find white vinegar is better.
ACV has some natural sugars that can burn during dehydration
To me it looks like you need a lot more liquid in that pot. Did you have use a ph text strip? I donโt feel like 2 1/2 lemons would be enough to get the pH low enough.
Sure the smell and taste of fresh citrus is nice. But I feel like all thatโs lost after reducing and dehydrating. Thatโs why I prefer citric acid and white vinegar. Iโve had the best results by far using this combination. I sure it stinks a little bit while itโs cooking, but just turn your hood vent on your stove(edited)
And then, after you have strange and filtered, but before reducing dehydrating, you can adjust the pH with a little baking soda, as to not notice the acidity of the extract powder
I added a lil Water the ph was 2.8 when I added the powder
I kept adding powder until it was thibk enough to my liking
Now Iโm straining
@MikeyCee87@Self Care MC is correct Polar solvents have large dipole moments (aka โpartial chargesโ); they contain bonds between atoms with very different electronegativities, such as oxygen and hydrogen. Non polar solvents contain bonds between atoms with similar electronegativities, such as carbon and hydrogen (think hydrocarbons, such as gasoline).Apr
When the liquid get thick enough to dehydrate, does it matter how thick the layer is in the silicone pan??? Is it better to have multiple thinner layers or it donโt matter
Doesnโt matter how thick the layer is i usually use a larger Pyrex and let it spread over a larger distance itโs only half inch up on the pan. But Iโve also done it in a smaller Pyrex where it was a couple inches high on the side. It just took longer
Yeah i messed up with the smaller pan once i started pouring i had way more liquid than i expected i like doing it in the evening and Iโll leave it overnight in the convection oven evaporating at 180. It usually done by the am
But take what i say with a grain of salt @Superior Extracts and @Mitra Mike Extractz and the man when it comes to extract
Self Care MC
Yeah i messed up with the smaller pan once i started pouring i had way more liquid than i expected i like doing it in the evening and Iโll leave it overnight in the convection oven evaporating at 180. It usually done by the am
If you don't do them over a larger surface area such as multiple silicone baking sheets you're prone to getting resin which will take FOREVER to fully dry, if at all. Doing nice thin layers dried very fast and makes for clean dry crystals/powder
It never hurts to make sure there's no leftover particles in the solution.
We use an aeropress because of the nano filter. It's a bitch to push but it works great
Optimum situation is a vacuum filtration setup which you can do with a bottle, a regular vacuum, some coffee filters, rubber bands, duct tape, and some redneck engineering.
If you don't do them over a larger surface area such as multiple silicone baking sheets you're prone to getting resin which will take FOREVER to fully dry, if at all. Doing nice thin layers dried very fast and makes for clean dry crystals/powder
I have one silicone dish i@but I have parchment paper so Iโll use a few sheets
On baking diff dishes
Optimum situation is a vacuum filtration setup which you can do with a bottle, a regular vacuum, some coffee filters, rubber bands, duct tape, and some redneck engineering.
Put about 12 cups water in the pot, 2.5 lemons squeezed. Ph 2.8 mixed up a lot of powder about 800g, u donโt need to use so much tho. Freezes it. Take it out simmered it for 4 hours or so. Strained it. Put it back simmered it down. Strained again with coffee filters. Then simmered down and then in oven on a silicone dish on a pizza stone, I realized this keeps the bottom hot.(edited)
I was finishing up a batch last night and I mean I spent FOREVER on this batch. Stove went out had to wait almost 2 weeks to get it replaced. Had it in the oven on a super low tempโฆ wife was cooking and all of a sudden I smell like burnt extractโฆโฆ.walked in the kitchen she had turned the stove to 400
This is the one I've got
INTLLAB Magnetic Stirrer Stainless Steel Magnetic Mixer with stir bar (No Heating) Max Stirring Capacity: 3000ml
But soaked in ACV and citric acid before ferment and wash
This is the one I've got
INTLLAB Magnetic Stirrer Stainless Steel Magnetic Mixer with stir bar (No Heating) Max Stirring Capacity: 3000ml
This is the one I'm hoping to get next so I can have a consistent stir while simmering
VONOYA Magnetic Stirrer Hot Plate, Magnet Stirrer with Digital Temperature Display & Speed Adjusting, Magnetic Mixer with Magnetic Stirrer Bar, Home Homebrew Kitchen Lab Stirrer, 200W, 1000ML
VONOYA Magnetic Stirrer Hot Plate, Magnet Stirrer with Digital Temperature Display & Speed Adjusting, Magnetic Mixer with Magnetic Stirrer Bar, Home Homebrew Kitchen Lab Stirrer, 200W, 1000ML
Don't bother the heating element on the magnetic stirrers goes out easily on the lower end models you need to get the higher end lab quality for those . After it goes out your left with just the stirrer like you have already . Just get a sonicator that has a heater it well worth money
Citric acid (Fresh squeezed limes) and ACV and the harshest i do is 190 proof everclear and limes. I only use solvents that i would use regular food prep . So its clean and safe with out residule chemical levels left behind that would be considered acceptable levels to ingest . This way its the cleanest can be
Ah okay, yeah I'm using ACV and citric acid right now, I need to get something that washes better though because I have to do like a triple simmer/filter process rn
This is my first simmer off, then after this filters I'll simmer it again, filter it again, then dehydrate.
Eventually I'll be more professional like you guys
But I'll tell you, first time I had it, I didn't believe it was actually that strong and took more than I should've.
It is in fact as strong as it seems.(edited)
But I'll tell you, first time I had it, I didn't believe it was actually that strong and took more than I should've.
It is in fact as strong as it seems. (edited)
Shit slaps. Complete underestimated itโs strength tbh. That was only my 2nd try. I plan on making eve cleaner and stronger ones. I wanna get it to where I only need a .3 or something.
I realized itโs better it in a lil hot water first and make a shot or how we u wanna take it cuz the resin will get stuck in a cold drink
Do you evaporate or dehydrate? This was my first time trying evaporating
Next time I'm gonna do percolation to wash it and I'm super excited to see how it goes. That's how I make my oils so I've been pondering if it will work for kratom.
Next time I'm gonna do percolation to wash it and I'm super excited to see how it goes. That's how I make my oils so I've been pondering if it will work for kratom.
Natural medicines were the only option for the prevention and treatment of human diseases for thousands of years. Natural products are important sources for drug development. The amounts of bioactive natural products in natural medicines are always fairly ...
Crushed leaf and powdered leave, should have the same alkaloid content. Itโs just a different matter of grinding. But your typical (good) powder leaf is 1.5% mitragynine. And maybe 2.5% total alks. But the 45% that you see labeled is the percent of mitragynine, not total alkaloids. So then after that, itโs simple math.
45 % 1.5 = 30. So itโs 30x stronger than powdered or crushed leaf.
So 1 g of that extract would be equal to 30 g of powdered leaf(edited)
45 % 1.5 = 30. So itโs 30x stronger than powdered or crushed leaf.
Been trying to figure out how to block/mask the bitter flavor Kratom has for a while and we did a pretty good job with the new formula. Excited about it. (edited)
There's a giveaway taking place on Reddit for anyone interested...I'll try to post the link in the chat later. We aren't running it but our products are part of the prize pack.
There's a giveaway taking place on Reddit for anyone interested...I'll try to post the link in the chat later. We aren't running it but our products are part of the prize pack.
There's a giveaway taking place on Reddit for anyone interested...I'll try to post the link in the chat later. We aren't running it but our products are part of the prize pack.
There's a giveaway taking place on Reddit for anyone interested...I'll try to post the link in the chat later. We aren't running it but our products are part of the prize pack.
Hey guys I tried out Wonderland Gardens new 45% itโs absolute fire. Honestly identical in every way, down to the color smell and weight to Delta Extracts 45% Citrus FSE which is another one of my favorites
Definitely worth it
Hey guys I tried out Wonderland Gardens new 45% itโs absolute fire. Honestly identical in every way, down to the color smell and weight to Delta Extracts 45% Citrus FSE which is another one of my favorites
Batch of crystal made using 2 kilo of green jungle this is gonna slap y'all woot woot ! Cant wait to see how much the yield weighs but I can tell it will be potent af wooot woot
Mitra Mike Extractz
Batch of crystal made using 2 kilo of green jungle this is gonna slap y'all woot woot ! Cant wait to see how much the yield weighs but I can tell it will be potent af wooot woot
Gonna be fire folks I also have red jungle non femrneted yellow and white jungle batches as well for Monday I hope anyhoo if they all are done drying but they should be green is the longest to dry so I'm surprised it is done first tbh green is a mofo to dry ususky
Ok here it is all done and dried ,ground up !!
2 kilos green junlge yielded me 65 grams of extract so 30:1 ,i am gonna guess maybe 25-28% mit or so,but it's def a little more potent then my 20-24% mit extract which are 25:1
Up close pic and far away this stuff looks wicked I can't wait to try this in the morning or maybe later tonight
Gonna be fire folks I also have red jungle non femrneted yellow and white jungle batches as well for Monday I hope anyhoo if they all are done drying but they should be green is the longest to dry so I'm surprised it is done first tbh green is a mofo to dry ususky
Plant lipid n fats n such the green is higher if ya think about it red especially fermented are more dry I guess you could say green has the most chlorophyll etc so it takes longer especially if they are super green and fresh it takes long time
Just a guess tho,I jsut know they take longest for me 99% of the time I'm surprised the green was done already tbh
Mitra Mike Extractz
Plant lipid n fats n such the green is higher if ya think about it red especially fermented are more dry I guess you could say green has the most chlorophyll etc so it takes longer especially if they are super green and fresh it takes long time
Yeah fsm filtering and cleaning it up is suspe important if not ya end up with dead plant matter that has no alks in there and is jsut taking up wastwd weight in the end yield
I think it dried fastest this time cause my other Excalibur dehydrators are old and I put that in the new one etc
I'm gonna have tj buy four new ones here soon to go with this on injsut got
My bad I didnโt respond again brother shits been wild lately lol I was looking for your powder extracts and those pics look divine, when are they dropping??
Are there any professional extractors out there, that are willing to do a, I send you leaf, and you send back extract for a price? I have lots of opened kilos that I could mix together.(edited)
If I make a tea up with some lemon juice and strain and drink will that work lol
I used to just toss powder in a drip coffee machine all the time, dont get me wrong steeping it is way better but you cant beat the convience of just tossing it in a coffee maker and pressing one button
Superior Extracts
I used to just toss powder in a drip coffee machine all the time, dont get me wrong steeping it is way better but you cant beat the convience of just tossing it in a coffee maker and pressing one button
Itโs funny cuz I took opms shots the first two years I fkd wit kratom, never knew powder even worked. Shit got expensive so I finally found good powder online. I mix the powder in oj, but now im trying to limit the plant matter intake and just extract it(edited)
The aero press should strain it nice too
I canโt wait to try that shit
Are there any professional extractors out there, that are willing to do a, I send you leaf, and you send back extract for a price? I have lots of opened kilos that I could mix together. (edited)
The aero press will definitely give you a better product. You can actually steep it before pressing it out. I used to take 20-25g and toss it in a coffee maker, run two pots of water through and put it in a pitcher in the fridge.
You can add a sweetened flavor and ice and it tastes amazing
@Superior Extracts trying the tea this morning, i had to drink like 2 cups but I think Iโm feeling it a little. Only thing I donโt like is the dilution. Iโm thinking of using the pot with less water and simmering and then pressing it so I can get more alkaloids with less water. Idk if Iโm right or not but ima fuck Around lol. Shits cheap enough at least to experiment with(edited)
@Superior Extracts trying the tea this morning, i had to drink like 2 cups but I think Iโm feeling it a little. Only thing I donโt like is the dilution. Iโm thinking of using the pot with less water and simmering and then pressing it so I can get more alkaloids with less water. Idk if Iโm right or not but ima fuck Around lol. Shits cheap enough at least to experiment with (edited)
@Unknown@Unknown Boy o boy!!!!
I had the pleasure of getting to try these bad boys out and damn!!!! Straight Fire!! gonna have to leave a review shortly
When I figure out how Iโm gonna leave a review anyways
Nah I put it in the fridge right after I didnโt. Realize I was supp to leave it on
Definitely dont want to leave it on thatll burn alks. Ive also made tea bag coffee filters before and tossed them in that works pretty good. That might be the way to go if you need it stronger
@Unknown@Unknown Boy o boy!!!!
I had the pleasure of getting to try these bad boys out and damn!!!! Straight Fire!! gonna have to leave a review shortly
Definitely dont want to leave it on thatll burn alks. Ive also made tea bag coffee filters before and tossed them in that works pretty good. That might be the way to go if you need it stronger
Lol you know itโs smooth when my mom who doesnโt hardly ever take kratom loves this shit! Gave her 1.5ml dropper which would be close to 3 grams of leaf
She said โman this stuff makes me hyped upโ i wanna get all my school work done now
@deltaextractskratom Nice man. For my head stash, I prefer the lower %. Would love to try that 30%. I literally just got off the phone with a guy looking to get 100 kg monthly quantities from us and I was telling him how if I was him i'd go for 45% for bang-for-buck
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thank you for your help on the website! were just getting started!!!
@deltaextractskratom Nice man. For my head stash, I prefer the lower %. Would love to try that 30%. I literally just got off the phone with a guy looking to get 100 kg monthly quantities from us and I was telling him how if I was him i'd go for 45% for bang-for-buck
@deltaextractskratom Nice man. For my head stash, I prefer the lower %. Would love to try that 30%. I literally just got off the phone with a guy looking to get 100 kg monthly quantities from us and I was telling him how if I was him i'd go for 45% for bang-for-buck
Yes sir! I think many just "MIT Shop" but I think it's more important to look at the Total Alkaloid content. Those 30% and 45% usually have most if not all those minor alks. Really good quality extracts from you guys and Superior Extractions.
Yes sir! I think many just "MIT Shop" but I think it's more important to look at the Total Alkaloid content. Those 30% and 45% usually have most if not all those minor alks. Really good quality extracts from you guys and Superior Extractions.
Those high MIT extracts usually are mostly Mitragynine and tend to be more speedy for me. The lower MIT, full spec or broad spec have more bottom end to the effects as how I would describe it. I like all of them, but usually go for a high MIT in the morning and switch to the lower full spec extracts in the evening.
Those high MIT extracts usually are mostly Mitragynine and tend to be more speedy for me. The lower MIT, full spec or broad spec have more bottom end to the effects as how I would describe it. I like all of them, but usually go for a high MIT in the morning and switch to the lower full spec extracts in the evening.
Was chatting with @Mitra Mike Extractz about his ohm dragon and he told me โSee that's the thing you can use half a gram to equal the same amount in the BTB shot but the mit will make ya not happy that's why I have it that way so folks can't abuse the ohm dragonโ
I just thought thatโs the coolest aspect ever
Thatโs just such a smart way to be able to take extract with I seven OH but not being able to abuse it. That makes me happy.
Was chatting with @Mitra Mike Extractz about his ohm dragon and he told me โSee that's the thing you can use half a gram to equal the same amount in the BTB shot but the mit will make ya not happy that's why I have it that way so folks can't abuse the ohm dragonโ
Well, itโs not just straight up seven OH like what is put in to the Xtracts shots from what I understand he does not sell that by itself in powder form. So the OHM dragon has some other alkaloids in there that will definitely prevent you from wanting to abuse it.
Does that make sense at all?
And I have firsthand experience because I took a better than black shot at around seven in the morning yesterday, and then took some of the dragon that came in the mail by itself with no leaf, and that gave me a headache that put me out literally from like 7 PM till this morning
Just an interesting fact are there about how kratom and especially the small batch people here care about their customers otherwise people would be buying up at 70H powder that he does not sell like crazy I bet
And heโs also awesome because Iโve been trying to devise a plan to be able to take Kratom discreetly in front of my family or around them at least like if I were to go out on a weekend trip to go fly airplanes with my dad he said that he would definitely help me formulate a Xtracts and leaf capsule That is a good way to dose quickly and discreetly
And heโs also awesome because Iโve been trying to devise a plan to be able to take Kratom discreetly in front of my family or around them at least like if I were to go out on a weekend trip to go fly airplanes with my dad he said that he would definitely help me formulate a Xtracts and leaf capsule That is a good way to dose quickly and discreetly
We have extract caps too ;P 3 different strengths. If you'd rather make your own with Mike's stuff I built a calculator specifically for those formulations. Can help you out
And heโs also awesome because Iโve been trying to devise a plan to be able to take Kratom discreetly in front of my family or around them at least like if I were to go out on a weekend trip to go fly airplanes with my dad he said that he would definitely help me formulate a Xtracts and leaf capsule That is a good way to dose quickly and discreetly
I had that exact same conversation with Mike. I had already knew that he was magical at that point. But yeah, that was a home run.
We have extract caps too ;P 3 different strengths. If you'd rather make your own with Mike's stuff I built a calculator specifically for those formulations. Can help you out
Iโm taking notes in all the red recs. Just starting to appreciate. I was always into greens for the energy after being so exhausted all the time. But Iโve been loving a great red latelyโฆtook me too long to learn to try mixing
Potent โteaโ made from fresh Maui leaf. Red bubble style, but did fractional freezing and vacuuming. Next batch will be reduced to powder. Reducing this batch down to thick mud to make edibles !
Potent โteaโ made from fresh Maui leaf. Red bubble style, but did fractional freezing and vacuuming. Next batch will be reduced to powder. Reducing this batch down to thick mud to make edibles !
Couple enhanced caps i made for my old man, hes got parkinsons and im hoping those secondary alks on my 30% can help him out with the shakes. These came out to 38mg a piece and this weaker trial run will help me better calculate stronger caps due to different powder densities.
Filtr8 Labs Buchner funnel and flask kit for vacuum filtration with pro version vacuum pump. Well suited for hobbyists, students, schools, and small labs. Just plug the pump into an electrical outlet, connect the silicone tubing to the flask, turn on the pump, and you are filtering...hands-free.
Hello everyone! Iโm curious if anyone has heard of King Kratom powder extract? I had a discount on it & got an ounce for 10.06 including $4 shipping. Just curious if anyone has any experience with this brand?
Hello everyone! Iโm curious if anyone has heard of King Kratom powder extract? I had a discount on it & got an ounce for 10.06 including $4 shipping. Just curious if anyone has any experience with this brand?
Thanks I figured even if it wasnโt great for $6 an ounce of extract I would try it as itโs a decent company & it sounds like itโs been around a while(edited)
Good god!!! Iโm glad I did a double take on the bottle information! 6 servings of 217mg in this thing? Thatโs like 1,300mg no wonder it was normally $30, shop owner gave me half off tho so score on that but dayumm son a lil overkill for a shot ya think?
Peep the penny sorting in the back lol
statefarmjake {4}
Good god!!! Iโm glad I did a double take on the bottle information! 6 servings of 217mg in this thing? Thatโs like 1,300mg no wonder it was normally $30, shop owner gave me half off tho so score on that but dayumm son a lil overkill for a shot ya think?
Good god!!! Iโm glad I did a double take on the bottle information! 6 servings of 217mg in this thing? Thatโs like 1,300mg no wonder it was normally $30, shop owner gave me half off tho so score on that but dayumm son a lil overkill for a shot ya think?
Yes sir. Those are the old labels. There are several different versions going around with different colored labels and designs. There's about 200mg of Mitragynine per bottle.
I haven't tried that particular bottle that you have in the pic but I've tried the one's that I posted and they are really good and strong. We also sell their "Gold" version which are not as strong but still very potent. The big bottle you have retails for about $30 in the smoke shops.
I think we sell them in the secret store for $24.99 before the discounts. Elite Members get them for $18.74 each. If you like them, you can save a ton shopping with us. Just food for thought. I know those get expensive. We buy them in bulk so that's how we can sell them at cost.
But thanks for letting me know that! I figured they were outrageously priced no matter where ya went lol. Other than that 11% tho I canโt say Iโve had any extract really โfeel goodโ its always it does either next to nothing or has me stumbling to the couch lol hard to find an in between for me. I just top my doses off anymore and just assume itโs doing something extra lol
statefarmjake {4}
But thanks for letting me know that! I figured they were outrageously priced no matter where ya went lol. Other than that 11% tho I canโt say Iโve had any extract really โfeel goodโ its always it does either next to nothing or has me stumbling to the couch lol hard to find an in between for me. I just top my doses off anymore and just assume itโs doing something extra lol
Np! I make a tea with them. It's the best way in my opinion. Adding them to powder is great too but the tea method is pretty awesome. If you want the recipe that I use, lemme know and I'll send it to you. It's pretty easy. Probably will make a video on it. You just need a digital pH meter and some Citric or Malic Acid. All cheap stuff and easy to acquire.
It'll work with regular powder and crude extracts, but it works the best with 30% and up. Send an email and I'll email you the pdf file. [email protected](edited)
Just got an idea for all you home extract makers and bulk stockers.
Bulk trainwreck extract package (white MD, Green MD, Red MD blend) -
3kg $180 Shipped
5kg $275 Shipped
10kg $450 Shipped
Makes a full spectrum extract, and this is premium powder that we stock on the shelves- NOT CLEARANCE. Only available in White MD, Green MD, Red MD, or Trainwreck (all 3 blended) at this time.
Looking for a doomsday stash or some affordable extract worthy powder? Look no further. We also have clearance powder available at $35/kg shipped.
Many of us are collectors, and a lot of us have been collecting for literal years. Have insane stashes, a lot of mid grade stuff to boot. I think it'd be cool if an extract wizard offered a service where you could basically send them a minor bulk amount (or large depending on the stash) of your "mid" , they turn it into extract for you for a fee. Win win because I see time and time again people say "I have this old blah blah I should really turn it into extract" myself being one of them, but will never hassle with actually making the extract. Anyways, I'll accept 3% royalties on this brilliant idea, thx
Many of us are collectors, and a lot of us have been collecting for literal years. Have insane stashes, a lot of mid grade stuff to boot. I think it'd be cool if an extract wizard offered a service where you could basically send them a minor bulk amount (or large depending on the stash) of your "mid" , they turn it into extract for you for a fee. Win win because I see time and time again people say "I have this old blah blah I should really turn it into extract" myself being one of them, but will never hassle with actually making the extract. Anyways, I'll accept 3% royalties on this brilliant idea, thx
I'll see what I can procure. I think the idea of home cooks is what deters people. If it was done in a facility and had the stamp of somebody reputable it'd probably get a lot more attention
I'll see what I can procure. I think the idea of home cooks is what deters people. If it was done in a facility and had the stamp of somebody reputable it'd probably get a lot more attention
See i have the facilities to do 50kg batches at a time, but it would have to be an attractive offer someone probably wouldnt want to pay. It just makes more sense making it with my own powder for retail sales. Plus theres alot of variables with different powders that people dont take into consideration that will effect your extract quality.
Say if someone sends me bunk powder that has a terrible yield, and I have to charge a high price because of the time and materials which goes into extracting it will my name be tarnished? Probably. Its just high risk and low reward, right now if i screw up its on me and i only have myself to blame. And i like to keep it that way.
Yeah I don't do extract so to me it's a great idea to them they're like "this frigging dingus man..."
Definitely not a dumb question at all and i see how it could make sense looking at it from an outside view. Ive been asked this question probably 5-10 times myself. This is my best explanation as to why for me it wouldnt make sense i cant speak for other extractors but im sure its somewhat along the same lines.
Superior Extracts
Say if someone sends me bunk powder that has a terrible yield, and I have to charge a high price because of the time and materials which goes into extracting it will my name be tarnished? Probably. Its just high risk and low reward, right now if i screw up its on me and i only have myself to blame. And i like to keep it that way.
You would have to have a "as is" contract of some sort. So many variables come into play because of what it is. I know there are different levels to extraction so there would be different prices.
You would have to have a "as is" contract of some sort. So many variables come into play because of what it is. I know there are different levels to extraction so there would be different prices.
Exactly but still it wont stop someone from trash talking you after the fact if they expect a higher return then investment. Materials, time, and knowledge arent cheap. If someone sends me .5% mit powder and expects high mit its impossible with my tek. You have to have quality powder to get quality and good yield.
Costs are almost $400 a batch for me per 25kg but that doesnt include the 16-20hours of my time per batch, or my electricity costs to keep my place running.
Superior Extracts
Costs are almost $400 a batch for me per 25kg but that doesnt include the 16-20hours of my time per batch, or my electricity costs to keep my place running.
For sure, its not a simple and someone could have 1.7% lab tests but lab tests arent done per box of kratom. Theyll get a lab test per pallet. So that box they send could be 1% for all anyone knows. Then when theres a bad yield or all low mit that comes out of it they will think no way its the kratoms fault.
Such high risk for little reward, it just makes sense to do it for myself and when i screw up or get a low yield batch its on me
Im working through a half ton of kratom i got and its pretty much bunk and super inconsistent.
Superior Extracts
For sure, its not a simple and someone could have 1.7% lab tests but lab tests arent done per box of kratom. Theyll get a lab test per pallet. So that box they send could be 1% for all anyone knows. Then when theres a bad yield or all low mit that comes out of it they will think no way its the kratoms fault.
One batch will be amazing and one batch will be terrible so i could just imagine what a shit show it would be doing it for someone that would expect a certain result.
I salute ya'll that make extracts. I tried a few times and it is not simple. Crazy how inconsistent it can be at times.
If I already froze and simmered a batch for 5 hours, itโs in the fridge rn, is it better to strain cold or should I heat it first? Does it matter? Anyone?
Got these for traveling or being away from home for long hours at a time. Totally worth it. (I normally take 7-7.5 g a dose x2 a day) I took two of these and it was a completely pain free evening. And the mood boost was a solid 4 hours I was very impressed. Small convenient pack. 2-3 whole days worth of doses if you needed in this pack. Iโll def be stacking a few of these up,
Those are gonna be convenient in the future when you make tablets
Thatโs something someone can stockpile and know itโs gonna work if you need it to. Iโve tried a tablets out there like 4 different kinds and theyโre something Iโd like to keep a good amount of(edited)
Yeah we just run the caps right now. Tablets take a whole set of math and equipment I can't deal with rn lol. You have to account for density on like 5 different ingredients, fine tune the excipients so nothing is sticking but make sure there's enough hardeners in their to bind everything. I've got most of it ironed out already but just like with extracts, gotta have some hands on experience to really fine tune everything and get practical knowledge as opposed to theoretical
Yeah we just run the caps right now. Tablets take a whole set of math and equipment I can't deal with rn lol. You have to account for density on like 5 different ingredients, fine tune the excipients so nothing is sticking but make sure there's enough hardeners in their to bind everything. I've got most of it ironed out already but just like with extracts, gotta have some hands on experience to really fine tune everything and get practical knowledge as opposed to theoretical
I carry the few I have left in my meds bottle (along with the couple I had made, that were left over from my trip).... The That One Place Mit Boosters are much, much better than my own caps
Man I had it down and just fumbled so much lately I couldnโt get back to it. I nailed the 7 but that was beginners luck. You grasped all this quickly, have you been reducing leaf?
Not yet... I have everything but got side tracked with the death of Arica's mom and all that goes with that. Mikey kinda inspired me to give it a shot. I just been talking to ppl and reading
a lot of knowledge that can be read from this chan, I really want to try to make an extract using the chlorophyll recipe, unfortunately I haven't even tried using the extract at all
a lot of knowledge that can be read from this chan, I really want to try to make an extract using the chlorophyll recipe, unfortunately I haven't even tried using the extract at all
Yeah man I still use the cotton ball tunnel filter for my last filtering even after I run it through micron downs sizing and it still catches alot tbh in the cotton balls
Yeah man I still use the cotton ball tunnel filter for my last filtering even after I run it through micron downs sizing and it still catches alot tbh in the cotton balls
Yeah cotton ball funnel I still use it to this day but the last filtering and it catches alot you would be surprised even after running it through the Buchner etc
Disregard my kratom fingers. If you guys havenโt tried this itโs absolutely banging. Superior extracts 65%
I really like the 30% a hell of a lot wrote a detailed review on it on Reddit but will write one on the 65 also and the 75. But this 65 is just absolutely phenomenal
Iโm gonna write something up pretty detailed on these on Reddit in a couple days. For the price and what you get these were def worth it. Iโve had the tablets that are $5 a piece and these are better. An ole kratom og turned me onto these. You can get by on 1.
Iโm gonna write something up pretty detailed on these on Reddit in a couple days. For the price and what you get these were def worth it. Iโve had the tablets that are $5 a piece and these are better. An ole kratom og turned me onto these. You can get by on 1.
Fresh Batch of Enhanced Maeng Delta 7%. Blend of Super Green Dragon, Super White Indo, & 55% Ultrasonic FSE. Medium Fast Speed. Very uplifting mood effect.(edited)
Fresh Batch of Enhanced Maeng Delta 7%. Blend of Super Green Dragon, Super White Indo, & 55% Ultrasonic FSE. Medium Fast Speed. Very uplifting mood effect. (edited)
Ooooooo! I didnโt know the deets about this one. Thatโs sounds right up my ally. The green dragon and ultrasonic were both mega winners for me. I gotta check that out!
Fresh Batch of Enhanced Maeng Delta 7%. Blend of Super Green Dragon, Super White Indo, & 55% Ultrasonic FSE. Medium Fast Speed. Very uplifting mood effect. (edited)
Iโm looking to make some extract gummies, would you guys recommend putting all of the extract into the gummy mix at once or individually dose them out?
Lol, yes, read through it again. I know there's a lot and it can get confusing . Do what you are doing burp it and shake it but keep in the refrigerator not the freezer just put in the freezer once a week and then follow the procedure.
Lol, yes, read through it again. I know there's a lot and it can get confusing . Do what you are doing burp it and shake it but keep in the refrigerator not the freezer just put in the freezer once a week and then follow the procedure.
What would give it this gold like appearance? Pics may not show how gold it is
Lol, yes, read through it again. I know there's a lot and it can get confusing . Do what you are doing burp it and shake it but keep in the refrigerator not the freezer just put in the freezer once a week and then follow the procedure.
Lol, yes, read through it again. I know there's a lot and it can get confusing . Do what you are doing burp it and shake it but keep in the refrigerator not the freezer just put in the freezer once a week and then follow the procedure.
Nice !! Mostly, it just comes down to the kratom used and the filtering process, and what was left in it when before you dried it but it should be good
Nice !! Mostly, it just comes down to the kratom used and the filtering process, and what was left in it when before you dried it but it should be good
Ty certainly will. I took it out everyday shook it like crazy for a few mins left it out re froze it. Iโll def try again the process tomorrow Iโll def have a few more questions I certainly appreciate it
@Accomplished-Ant1176 I'd love to check out the info @JD1969 gave you. I have 135g in the freezer right now. I'm using all citrus and malic acid.
I was bored af and juiced 2 grapefruit, 3 lemons & 2 oranges. Following the Phillys recipe with the exception of the malic acid. I wanted my PH in the 3 range.
@Accomplished-Ant1176 I'd love to check out the info @JD1969 gave you. I have 135g in the freezer right now. I'm using all citrus and malic acid.
@Accomplished-Ant1176 thatโs so sick!!!!! Dude you killed it with that one!!!! Have you even had mike rubies?! It has lil gold flakes like that! How did you use the activated charcoal? Iโve been wanting to try that process? Oh man Iโm so stoked for you! Thatโs really cool
@Accomplished-Ant1176 thatโs so sick!!!!! Dude you killed it with that one!!!! Have you even had mike rubies?! It has lil gold flakes like that! How did you use the activated charcoal? Iโve been wanting to try that process? Oh man Iโm so stoked for you! Thatโs really cool
Thanks brother. Just put activated charcoal in a coffee filter after going through everything else and ran it over it twice it took a while to drip but it did something to it. Mikes Rubiez freaking hit.
Thanks brother. Just put activated charcoal in a coffee filter after going through everything else and ran it over it twice it took a while to drip but it did something to it. Mikes Rubiez freaking hit.
Thanks, I had set aside the powder didn't know If I should drink it too. Saving it for this evening
I was bored af and juiced 2 grapefruit, 3 lemons & 2 oranges. Following the Phillys recipe with the exception of the malic acid. I wanted my PH in the 3 range.
@Unknown I tried to not over complicated so maybe this doesn't even count as a successful extraction but I put 3gs each of red, white, green from just 250s. In a plastic cup. (Thinner to freeze faster, but not that it melts) then poured hot water from my coffee pot (no coffee) into the cup past the powder until water doubled the powder. I mixed real quick and put in freezer over night. When I woke up there was a obvious frozen bubble on top
This morning I did same method this time without mixing strains. Made a green cup and red cup.
Same results.(edited)
@Mitra Mike Extractz hell yeah sounds awesome. I still got a couple BTB shots left right now. When y'all drop Dottie's I'll show some love and get a few of those.
I haven't actually tried any of these so I don't know if they are potent or if they hit. How much should I drink?
@Unknown I tried to not over complicated so maybe this doesn't even count as a successful extraction but I put 3gs each of red, white, green from just 250s. In a plastic cup. (Thinner to freeze faster, but not that it melts) then poured hot water from my coffee pot (no coffee) into the cup past the powder until water doubled the powder. I mixed real quick and put in freezer over night. When I woke up there was a obvious frozen bubble on top
This morning I did same method this time without mixing strains. Made a green cup and red cup.
Same results. (edited)
Tbh I donโt notice a big diff in freezing it overnight than just steeping a tea for 20 min and straining it. I get good effects that way Iโve done it a cpl times now
I think the plant matter just makes it hard to go down for me. If I could just drink the water and discard of the powder after a few extractions, then I think that would be a benefit to how I consume my kratom. The sludge makes me want to give it up looking for best way to consume hoping I've found it
Alot of folks like the aeropress works really good to filter and press out the liquid and leave plant matter
I have one it def works well
I think the plant matter just makes it hard to go down for me. If I could just drink the water and discard of the powder after a few extractions, then I think that would be a benefit to how I consume my kratom. The sludge makes me want to give it up looking for best way to consume hoping I've found it
I went through this also. The aero press is great to filter out plant matter. However. I notice I can get teas to hit nice. But they do not last as long and itโs never gonna be the same as consuming the powder itself
I was surprised tho tbh when I made a tea and it slapped just like the powder. It can happen just dosent last as long imo and sometimes the powder just hits better
@Unknown I tried to not over complicated so maybe this doesn't even count as a successful extraction but I put 3gs each of red, white, green from just 250s. In a plastic cup. (Thinner to freeze faster, but not that it melts) then poured hot water from my coffee pot (no coffee) into the cup past the powder until water doubled the powder. I mixed real quick and put in freezer over night. When I woke up there was a obvious frozen bubble on top
This morning I did same method this time without mixing strains. Made a green cup and red cup.
Same results. (edited)
So if I dehydrated this water down to nothing i would be left with the flakey powder stuff that I would scrape off a plate?
I think I don't want to do that. I'd rather drink as is. I'm just asking
So if I dehydrated this water down to nothing i would be left with the flakey powder stuff that I would scrape off a plate?
I think I don't want to do that. I'd rather drink as is. I'm just asking
So if I dehydrated this water down to nothing i would be left with the flakey powder stuff that I would scrape off a plate?
I think I don't want to do that. I'd rather drink as is. I'm just asking
Thereโs a lot of science behind it but just water doesnโt get out much at all. Thereโs some real experts at it here and more people learning how to do it from em. Pretty fun to learn it.
Thanks man, I'm always nervous to try stuff like this because I don't want to ruin my stash lol. I don't make weed edibles for same reason, or CWE from Tylenol 4 pills... I gotta get over that fear and just follow step by step and trust it will come out decent at least.
Thanks man, I'm always nervous to try stuff like this because I don't want to ruin my stash lol. I don't make weed edibles for same reason, or CWE from Tylenol 4 pills... I gotta get over that fear and just follow step by step and trust it will come out decent at least.
I'll call it the " Robert fix withdraw fix" lol
Guys doing this was really fun. My opiate tolerance is really high so I'm not going to take what I made. Instead give it to a friend with a much lower tolerance and hope it helps him. Only used water so I assume it's safe to give to my buddy
My friend with zero tolerance (opiate and kratom) tried 10 MLs and said he could barely feel the lightest of effects kick in. The only other time this friend tried kratom was 2gs of powder and it hit him very nice, he really enjoyed it. So I assume 10ml of this stuff is less potent than 2grams of powder. Now I need to find another friend without tolerance and give them 20 ml. I don't know how else to go about finding a starting dose. I've been on Tylenol 4 past couple days so I don't want to test it myself(edited)
That would be incorrect let me break down the math real fast
946.35mL in 4 cups of water.
21g powder at 1.44% Mit = 302.4mg of potential mitragynine.
Water will not extract it at 100% so your yield will be maybe 250-270mg of MIT total. The end product wouldn't work in percentages either it would be measured in mg Mitragynine per mL fluid. For 2.2mg Mit / mL you'd need 2082mg MIT which would require getting a 100% yield on 144.5g of that powder in 4 cups of water(edited)
If you didn't optimize pH the mitragynine yield will be even lower. Meaning you could potentially chug the whole thing and feel nice- but you just turned 21g of good powder into realistically maybe a 10g dose equivalent without some of the secondary alkaloids
Well at least it's easier to drink . The lemon I used makes it taste really good. Thank you for the info. I may continue to do this for easier dosing but not trying to create a stronger product.
And I actually thought I was making it stronger lol. Thank you for correcting me@ThatOnePlaceGJ(edited)
If you used an acid this time to extract, you could redo it with an alcohol or vinegar extract the second time. But donโt use both. Those wood extract different alkaloids. After that, itโs done.(edited)
I would like to try my hand at extraction methods'. Can anyone shoot me a recipe, video or whatever step by step for doing this? Got literally tons of product, so why not?!?
Much thanks
I would like to try my hand at extraction methods'. Can anyone shoot me a recipe, video or whatever step by step for doing this? Got literally tons of product, so why not?!?
If you buy a kilo $100, 50 g to experiment with is only $5. The process costs more than the product. Give it a shot. Iโm no expert, but Iโm here to share any and all advice
If you buy a kilo $100, 50 g to experiment with is only $5. The process costs more than the product. Give it a shot. Iโm no expert, but Iโm here to share any and all advice
I'm gonna try it one of these days for sure. I've already got a mushroom project going on rn so that's where most of my focus has been. So far so good though
You gotta start small. I only run 100g batches max.
You have to know your process and scale up the batch once you have a recipe that works
I'm gonna try it one of these days for sure. I've already got a mushroom project going on rn so that's where most of my focus has been. So far so good though
@robfix next time you make it use some citric acid, get the PH of the water to roughly 4 (if you don't have PH strips I'm sure somebody in here knows a good ratio)
Then mixy mixy all day long and strain, simmer down to as tiny an amount of liquid as you can and dehydrate.
I usually take 50g powder down to 5 grams, so 10x strength. You can press it lower but I don't have all the fancy tools yet lol.
I need to get me one of those pH meters. Not for extracts, but I want to make really strong tea sometimes
@robfix next time you make it use some citric acid, get the PH of the water to roughly 4 (if you don't have PH strips I'm sure somebody in here knows a good ratio)
Then mixy mixy all day long and strain, simmer down to as tiny an amount of liquid as you can and dehydrate.
I usually take 50g powder down to 5 grams, so 10x strength. You can press it lower but I don't have all the fancy tools yet lol.
I have a bags of lemon limes and orange juice. Is that good for citric acid,or do I need something more specific?
@robfix next time you make it use some citric acid, get the PH of the water to roughly 4 (if you don't have PH strips I'm sure somebody in here knows a good ratio)
Then mixy mixy all day long and strain, simmer down to as tiny an amount of liquid as you can and dehydrate.
I usually take 50g powder down to 5 grams, so 10x strength. You can press it lower but I don't have all the fancy tools yet lol.
Lemon juice is a great cheap at-home readily available option. It inhibits some of the enzymes in your liver that metabolize mitragynine though so the potential is not quite at 100%. Citric acid and malic acid are the optimum choice
Limes could even work. Both lemons and limes are really high in citric acid content
Limes could even work. Both lemons and limes are really high in citric acid content
Limes have less vitamin C than lemons (not that vit C content matters for this) but yeah. Giving them to sailors because they were cheaper than lemons.... The sailors still got scurvy
Hell yes. Thatโs a thing of beauty. I really did enjoy the Goldilocks shot yesterday. I split it in half and I got me through the whole day. Didnโt dose anything else at all.
Hell yes. Thatโs a thing of beauty. I really did enjoy the Goldilocks shot yesterday. I split it in half and I got me through the whole day. Didnโt dose anything else at all.
How many grams and how much water do you guys use? I'm making one now with 20gs and one of those plastic SOLO cups you see at keg parties full of water. In the picture was only about 9 Gs of green, I think that's not enough so trying again with 20 g's of white this time. Used lemon and lime juice but no pH strips so just winging it(edited)
You want your PH to be 4, you can achieve that by mixing 2TBSP lemon juice, 2TBSP vinegar, and 10 oz water. You will have 12 oz solution, and it is just enough to make a 20g batch
Still no vinegar only lime and lemon juice. I'll get some Viniger and citric acid in a few days. This one's all red vein powder.
The one that was all green vein tasted great. I simmered it down till it was pasty and ate a Gob of the paste and tasted like lemon candy
I left the rest of the paste out to dry more and my wife threw it away not knowing I was doing an experiment so here I go again. Going to try and simmer this and dehydrate all the way down until I can scrape it off a plate into a powder. I'll let you know how it turns out tomorrow morning
All results are for me and only me to consume. So please disregard the dirty sink and sponge
@robfix looks yummy, I still haven't gotten into drying it down to a powder. I think I've got the red bubble process under control, but I want to do it a few more times before stepping up to a large batch.
I left the rest of the paste out to dry more and my wife threw it away not knowing I was doing an experiment so here I go again. Going to try and simmer this and dehydrate all the way down until I can scrape it off a plate into a powder. I'll let you know how it turns out tomorrow morning
Hey guys and girls! Sorry if this is a silly question: I was thinking of making my own enhanced blend with some extract I have. To get my mit percentage I am planning on adding 1 g of 44% and 1.1% 7oh to 10 grams of plain leaf. The leaf is 1.8% so 180 total plus 444 which is 624mg total. Would my blend be 6.24% mit? Sorry again for the silly question just want to feel confident about how I am doing this lol.
Hey guys and girls! Sorry if this is a silly question: I was thinking of making my own enhanced blend with some extract I have. To get my mit percentage I am planning on adding 1 g of 44% and 1.1% 7oh to 10 grams of plain leaf. The leaf is 1.8% so 180 total plus 444 which is 624mg total. Would my blend be 6.24% mit? Sorry again for the silly question just want to feel confident about how I am doing this lol.
Not a silly question at all. I think you did that right, one sec and Iโll work it out. But if the extract that youโre adding is wonderland gardens, that 44% / 1.1% of theirs, Iโve heard is not as strong as it claims.
It is, Iโve also had my suspicions that it isnโt quite what is advertised. I def feel the 7oh in it though. For the price was still happy with my purchase. As for the blend as long as Iโm pretty close in my range Iโm going to assume itโll be 3 - 4 times the strength of standard leaf and then dose accordingly. Thank you for responding !
It is, Iโve also had my suspicions that it isnโt quite what is advertised. I def feel the 7oh in it though. For the price was still happy with my purchase. As for the blend as long as Iโm pretty close in my range Iโm going to assume itโll be 3 - 4 times the strength of standard leaf and then dose accordingly. Thank you for responding !
If you go look in #plant-medicine-info at the top of that channel, you will see two very informative posts about extract math and Iโve credited the original authors of the posts. (I copypastaโd the posts there.) Just scroll all the way to the top. Both very good ways to math your extract and leaf amounts.
This one's done with vinegar and powder that had already been extracted with lemon lime juice twice. Still got a bubble. I guess the powder is probably finished with now. I'm afraid of how this one will taste. I really enjoy how the lemon lime juice taste.
I've been drinking a mouth full here and there, last night I could really feel some sedation. I need to start measuring my doses so I could know how many Mls is a good dose and stick with that. I'm really enjoying drinking this red bubble more than how I would do it before. Just mixing powder in water and drinking sludge. Thanks for helping me out with all this stuff guys
This was my most recent and best feeling red bubble with @Down2Earth red Sakit and green dragonโฆ.it was the best pain relief and it didnโt knock me out so I got to enjoy the relief
When this ice melts I'll add it to the glass bottle and it will be tea half extract from lemon lime and half extract from vinegar. All red powder from Just 250s
That's what I was hoping. I can tolerate the vinegar taste a bit it just not my favorite flavor. My girlfriend always gets vinegar and salt chips, I'll have a 2 or 3 but that's about it. I don't eat any pickled food
That's what I was hoping. I can tolerate the vinegar taste a bit it just not my favorite flavor. My girlfriend always gets vinegar and salt chips, I'll have a 2 or 3 but that's about it. I don't eat any pickled food
Finished Bottle (not for sale). 3000 mg Total Cannabidiol. Full-Spectrum Extract. 100 mg Cbd per 1 ml. 30 mL Bottle. Took 50 mg before bed and slept like a baby!(edited)
One final filter just for good measure and this is a finished product. I plan on dosing 30mls 3 times a day to keep me from spending every last dollar on painkillers off the streets. I hope I'm successful
Mitragyna speciosa Korth (kratom) is known for its psychoactive and analgesic properties. Mitragynine is the primary constituent present in kratom leaves. This study highlights the utilisation of the green accelerated solvent extraction technique to produce ...